Calculated Risks

Seanan McGuire

eBook - 2021

The tenth book in the fast-paced InCryptid urban fantasy series returns to the mishaps of the Price family, eccentric cryptozoologists who safeguard the world of magical creatures living in secret among humans.Just when Sarah Zellaby, adopted Price cousin and telepathic ambush predator, thought that things couldn't get worse, she's had to go and prove herself wrong. After being kidnapped and manipulated by her birth family, she has undergone a transformation called an instar, reaching back to her Apocritic origins to metamorphize. While externally the same, she is internally much more powerful, and much more difficult to control.Even by herself. After years of denial, the fact that she will always be a cuckoo has become impossible... to deny.Now stranded in another dimension with a handful of allies who seem to have no idea who she is—including her cousin Annie and her maybe-boyfriend Artie, both of whom have forgotten their relationship—and a bunch of cuckoos with...

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Astra Publishing House
Main Author
Seanan McGuire
Online Access
Overdrive Resource Page
Adobe EPUB eBook, Kindle Book, OverDrive Read eBook
Adobe EPUB eBook
File Size2 GB
Release Date2/23/2021
Kindle Book
Release Date2/23/2021
OverDrive Read eBook
Release Date2/23/2021