The Jailhouse Lawyer

James Patterson, Nancy Allen, Megan Tusing

eAudio - 2021

From James Patterson, the world's #1 bestselling author: a young lawyer takes on the judge who is destroying her hometown—and ends up in jail herself.Jailhouse Lawyer: In picture-perfect Erva, Alabama, the most serious crimes are misdemeanors. Speeding tickets. Shoplifting. Contempt of court. Then why is the jail so crowded? And why are so few prisoners released? There's only one place to learn the truth behind these incriminating secrets. Sometimes the best education a lawyer can get is a short stretch of hard time. Power of Attorney: After a decade of estrangement from her family, defense attorney Leah Randall is suddenly summoned home by her mother. There Leah finds that her father is suffering from the early stages of Alzhei...mer's, and it's up to Leah to clean up his files and close down the office. But not before she gets entangled in the disturbing case of a young woman accused of arson and the double murder of her guardians.

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Hachette Audio
Main Authors
James Patterson, Nancy Allen, Megan Tusing
Online Access
Overdrive Resource Page
MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size428 GB
Release Date9/20/2021
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size428 GB
Release Date9/20/2021