
Jen Calonita

eBook - 2015

Dive into book one of the best selling Fairy Tale Reform School series, from award-winning author Jen Calonita! What happens to the villains after happily ever after? 12 year old Gilly isn't so sure that she needs reforming for the (former) villains in Enchantasia...Gilly wouldn't call herself wicked, exactly. But when you have five little brothers and sisters and live in a run-down boot, you have to get creative to make ends meet. Gilly's a pretty good thief (if she does say so herself).Until she gets caught.Gilly's sentenced to three months at Fairy Tale Reform School where all of the teachers are former (super-scary) villains like the Big Bad Wolf, the Evil Queen, and Cinderella's Wicked Stepmother. Harsh. But wh...en she meets fellow students Jax and Kayla, she learns there's more to this school than its heroic mission.There's a battle brewing and Gilly has to wonder...just how good these bad guys really are?The Fairy...

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Jen Calonita
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Adobe EPUB eBook, Kindle Book, OverDrive Read eBook
Adobe EPUB eBook
File Size2 GB
Release Date3/3/2015
Kindle Book
Release Date3/3/2015
OverDrive Read eBook
File Size1 GB
Release Date3/3/2015