With a Mind to Kill

Anthony Horowitz

eBook - 2022

"It's almost uncanny how well Mr. Horowitz summons Bond's mindset . . . Yet this Bond also feels the winds of change: 'He had his licence to kill. But was it possible that in this new, more questioning age, that licence might have expired?' A drop of retro pleasures, a pinch of things to come; shaken, not stirred." — Wall Street JournalInternationally bestselling author Anthony Horowitz's third James Bond novel, after Forever and a Day.It is M's funeral. One man is missing from the graveside: the traitor who pulled the trigger and who is now in custody, accused of M's murder—James Bond.Behind the Iron Curtain, a group of former Smersh agents want to use the British spy in an operation that wi...ll change the balance of world power. Bond is smuggled into the lion's den—but whose orders is he following, and will he obey them when the moment of truth arrives?In a mission...

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Main Author
Anthony Horowitz
Online Access
Overdrive Resource Page
Adobe EPUB eBook, Kindle Book, OverDrive Read eBook
Adobe EPUB eBook
File Size3 GB
Release Date5/24/2022
Kindle Book
Release Date5/24/2022
OverDrive Read eBook
Release Date5/24/2022