Four Blind Mice

James Patterson, Peter Jay Fernandez, Michael Emerson

eAudio - 2005

Detective Alex Cross is on his way to resign from the Washington, D.C. Police Force when his partner shows up at his door with a case he can't refuse. One of John Sampson's oldest friends, from their days together in Vietnam, has been arrested for murder. Worse yet, he is subject to the iron hand of the United States Army. The evidence against him is strong enough to send him to the gas chamber.Sampson is certain his friend has been framed, and Alex's investigation turns up evidence overlooked - or concealed - by the military authorities. Drawing on their years of street training and an almost telepathic mutual trust, Cross and Sampson go deep behind military lines to confront the most ruthless - and deadliest - killers they ...have ever encountered. Behind these three highly skilled killing machines there appears to be an even more threatening controller. Discovering the identity of this lethal genius will prove to be Cross' most terrifying challenge ever.On his visits home,...

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Hachette Audio
Main Authors
James Patterson, Peter Jay Fernandez, Michael Emerson
Online Access
MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size230 GB
Release Date11/1/2005
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size229 GB
Release Date11/1/2005