The Most Dangerous Man in the World: the Explosive True Story of Julian Assange and the Lies, Cover-ups and Conspiracies He Exposed

Andrew Fowler

eBook - 2011

The battle lines are drawn: freedom of speech against the control of the State. The Internet is the battle ground. In this war there will only be one winner. In The Most Dangerous Man in the World, award-winning journalist Andrew Fowler talks to Julian Assange, his inner circle, and those disaffected by him, deftly revealing the story of how a man with a turbulent childhood and brilliance for computers created a phenomenon that has disrupted the worlds of both journalism and international politics. From Assange's early skirmishes with the “cult" of Scientology in Australia to the release of 570,000 intercepts of pager messages sent on the day of the September 11th attacks and on to the visual bombshell of the Collateral M...urder video showing American soldiers firing on civilians and Reuters reporters, Fowler takes us from the founding of WikiLeaks right up to Cablegate and the threat of further leaks in 2011 that he warns could bring down a major American bank....

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Main Author
Andrew Fowler
Online Access
Overdrive Resource Page
Adobe EPUB eBook, Kindle Book, OverDrive Read eBook
Adobe EPUB eBook
File Size821 MB
Release Date4/11/2011
Kindle Book
Release Date4/11/2011
OverDrive Read eBook
Release Date4/11/2011