Trident K9 Warriors My Tale from the Training Ground to the Battlefield with Elite Navy SEAL Canines

Mike Ritland, Jeff Gurner, Gary Brozek

eAudio - 2013

The New York Times bestseller featured on 60 Minutes, this is the first book to take readers inside the world of elite Navy SEAL dogs.As Seen on "60 Minutes"! As a Navy SEAL during a combat deployment in Iraq, Mike Ritland saw a military working dog in action and instantly knew he'd found his true calling. Ritland started his own company training and supplying dogs for the SEAL teams, U.S. Government, and Department of Defense. He knew that fewer than 1 percent of all working dogs had what it takes to contribute to the success of our nation's elite combat units, and began searching the globe for animals who fit this specific profile. These specialized canines had to pass rigorous selection tests before their serious trai...ning could begin.The results were a revelation: highly trained working dogs capable of handling both detection and apprehension work in the most extreme environments and the tensest of battlefield conditions. Though...

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Macmillan Audio
Main Authors
Mike Ritland, Jeff Gurner, Gary Brozek
Online Access
Overdrive Resource Page
MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size218 GB
Release Date4/30/2013
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size218 GB
Release Date4/30/2013