Monkey Mind A Memoir of Anxiety

Daniel Smith, Richard Powers

eAudio - 2012

In the insightful narrative tradition of Oliver Sacks, Monkey Mind is an uplifting, smart, and very funny memoir of life with anxiety—America's most common psychological complaint.We all think we know what being anxious feels like—it is the instinct that made us run from wolves in the prehistoric age and pushes us to perform in the modern one—but for forty million American adults, anxiety is an insidious condition that defines daily life. Yet no popular memoir has been written about that experience until now. Aaron Beck, the most influential doctor in modern psychotherapy, says that "Monkey Mind does for anxiety what William Styron's Darkness Visible did for depression."In Monkey Mind, Daniel Smith brilliantly arti...culates what it is like to live with anxiety, defanging the disease with humor, traveling through its demonic layers, evocatively expressing both its painful internal coherence and its absurdities. He also draws on its most storied...

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Blackstone Publishing
Main Authors
Daniel Smith, Richard Powers
Online Access
MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size209 GB
Release Date7/3/2012
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size209 GB
Release Date7/3/2012