The Story of Batman


Batman seems to have it all—unlimited funds, state-of-the-art technology, a faithful butler and a kid sidekick he can always count on when the chips were down, along with a secret underground headquarters and the coolest car on the planet. Aside from his bummer of a backstory, who wouldn’t want to be Batman? And therein lies another major reason for his enduring appeal. The Batman concept has proven to be remarkably flexible, allowing him to change and grow with the world around him and to easily be adapted to a wide range of entertainment forms—from comic books to television to blockbuster movies. From his debut in 1939 to this very day, we have seen Batman become whatever we needed him to be—a dark avenger, a cheerful parental fig...ure, a science-fiction adventurer, or even a source of comedy. Very different takes but all valid depictions of the same character, keeping audiences coming back for 85 years and counting. This is the story of Batman.

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A360 Media, LLC
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Digital Magazine
Release Date1/19/2024