Review by Kirkus Book Review
Warsh and Gardner celebrate the joy of fatherhood and share the wishes that dads have for their children. What do fathers want to teach their kids? The authors have collected advice from 18 dads to create a book filled with inspiration. With each page turn, readers receive a pearl of wisdom, accompanied by illustrations that burst with vitality. "I hope you love big--and I hope the biggest love you have is for yourself." "I hope you have a life filled with dreams that come true!" Fathers and children, diverse in terms of race and ability, lovingly interact and explore their world. The adults are attentive and caring; the kids are enthusiastic and engaged. One dad helps two children clean up a beach. Another does yoga while his child rides on his back. Others simply hug their children. The images celebrate curiosity and community. With expressive eyes and smiling faces, these men are present while the kids gleefully cavort, their mouths open and limbs spread. At times, the guidance swings toward cheesiness, and occasionally it feels a bit clunky ("I hope you become a leader in rebuilding and nurturing the natural resources of our planet"), but readers will find it welcoming; this book will make a wonderful gift for new dads and may even provide guidance when an ideal father isn't handy. Father definitely knows best--sweet and inspiring. (list of contributors)(Picture book. 3-8) Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.