- Subjects
- Genres
- poetry
Poésie - Published
Beacon Press
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Physical Description
- Seiten
- 9780807020487
- Introduction
- Congo-1960s
- Because
- Whites in Congo Flee by Ferry
- In this poem, do not use the word revolution
- Hands are a matter, 5 Cobalt
- My beloved companion
- A Reply of Pauline Opango Lumumba
- Le Congo, c'est moi
- Cuba-1950s
- Because
- Fidel Wears No Hat
- Estimada amiga
- Haiti-1960s
- Because
- Because
- Instructions in Times of Emergency
- When a book is a sentence
- François Duvalier, Country Doctor
- François Duvalier, Living God
- Simone Duvalier
- Crossings-1960s
- Because
- Diaspora
- Diaspora
- What is Water?
- Because
- I Pray the United Nations Bureau Will Forward this Card to My Brother Rodney Georges Who is Currently in the Congo, Whose Address I Don't Know
- Letter from Léo
- The Reasons of Jacqueline Romain
- The Reasons of Rigobert Carty
- The Lake Behind You
- Thysville, 1966
- Headwaters
- The Reasons of Ertha Elysée Auguste
- Notes on the School in Kinshasa
- Max Manigat in Kenge
- The Work
- Unannounced Evaluation
- Critique de Leçons
- The Contract of GEORGES, Rodney
- An accolade and ache
- Congo-1965-1975
- Because
- The environment was different from what I had known all my life
- What we missed and attempted to replicate
- What we found new and glorious
- Avenue des Flamboyants
- Beer and Babies
- In Kinshasa
- Because
- Trouble in Your Country
- Makak
- Mobutu Sese Seko, Messiah
- The Record of An Attempt to Purge the Country of Colonial Influence by Mobutu (and Unrelatedly a List of Cities in Which Haitians Lived, with Underscores Signaling Antecedents Unknown to Me)
- I could have
- Postcard I Front and Back
- Your Footprints
- Crossings-1970s
- The Tintin Books
- Sunday
- Unwritten Letters to their Parents by Children Boarding with Relatives in Port-au-Prince
- Crossings-1986
- Power
- Crossings-Artifacts
- Carved Ivory Head of a Woman
- A Congolese Cotton Shirt Embellished with a Portrait of Mobutu from the Collection of the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam
- A Closing
- Coda: Crossings-2000s
- Because
- Crossings
- Notes
- Acknowledgments
- Bibliography
Review by Library Journal Review