The Jungle Grows Back America and Our Imperiled World

Robert Kagan, Jason Culp

eAudio - 2018

"An incisive, elegantly written, new book about America’s unique role in the world." —Tom Friedman, The New York TimesA brilliant and visionary argument for America's role as an enforcer of peace and order throughout the world—and what is likely to happen if we withdraw and focus our attention inward.Recent years have brought deeply disturbing developments around the globe. American sentiment seems to be leaning increasingly toward withdrawal in the face of such disarray. In this powerful, urgent essay, Robert Kagan elucidates the reasons why American withdrawal would be the worst possible response, based as it is on a fundamental and dangerous misreading of the world. Like a jungle that keeps growing back after being c...ut down, the world has always been full of dangerous actors who, left unchecked, possess the desire and ability to make things worse. Kagan makes clear how the "realist" impulse to recognize our limitations and focus on our failures...

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Main Authors
Robert Kagan, Jason Culp
Online Access
Overdrive Resource Page
MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size166 GB
Release Date9/18/2018
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size166 GB
Release Date9/18/2018