Review by Kirkus Book Review
Delvey--better known for books written under her real name, Michelle Davies--plops a London solicitor into the world's most boring and thankless job and then piles on the complications and the peril. Fifteen months after cult leader Patrick Nye ended his group's hostage-taking at a theatrical gala by detonating bombs that killed 43 people, the case is ready to go to trial--with one hitch. John Horner, a senior advocate to the Crown Prosecution Service, needs someone to comb through the material that's been excluded from the mountain of evidence to be presented in court to make sure that none of it is relevant, potentially complicating or weakening the case and risking its dismissal. The task falls to Eve Wren, who's been working for the CPS since getting canned from a Shropshire law firm when the senior colleague she blew the whistle on blamed her for his mistakes. So, this time, Eve has every motive to be extra careful. If only that were equally true of DCS Seth Strutton, the senior investigating officer, and DS Gary Lees, the officer in charge. In the absence of their firm support, Eve soldiers on, sifting through box after box of potential evidence, unaware that a series of flashbacks to the fatal event are providing more and more information that would be incredibly useful to her. At length she discovers a burner phone that can't be accounted for by any tallies of the phones used by the group or their victims, and the messages on that phone, which originally sound pretty bland, turn out to be damning. It's right around then that Eve's troubles begin to intensify to a boiling point. If the final revelation is anticlimactic, that's only because the buildup has been relentless. Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.