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- Published
[S.l.] :
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- 9781837582617
- A World of Cats
- Atlas of a Cat
- Super Senses
- Domestic Cats
- Introduction
- Longhaired and Shorthaired Cats
- North America
- Sphynx, Cymric, Tonkinese
- Selkirk Rex, Somali, American Bobtail, Pixiebob
- Courageous Cats
- Maine Coon, Exotic Shorthair, Balinese
- Ragdoii, Ragamuffin, Snowshoe
- American Shorthair, American Wirehair, American Curl
- LaPerm, Lykoi, Munchkin, Minuet
- Bengal, Ocicat, Toyger
- Cat Shows
- Europe & Africa
- British Shorthair, British Longhair
- Persian, Scottish Fold, Manx
- Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Suffolk, Seycheliois
- Cute Kittens
- Bin-nan, Chartreux, Aphrodite
- German Rex, European Shorthair, Norwegian Forest Cat
- Egyptian Mau, Sokoke
- Cats in Ancient Egypt
- Wsstern & Northern Asia
- Russian Blue, Donskoy, Siberian, Kurilian Bobtail
- Turkish Van, Turkish Angora, Turkish Shorthair
- Kanaani, Arabian Mau
- How to Speok Cat
- Southern, Southsast, and East Asia & Australasia
- Li Hua, Singapura, Japanese Bobtail
- Khao Manee, Korat, Siamese
- Abyssinian, Mekong Bobtail, Ceylon, Burmese
- Oriental Cats
- Asian Cats
- Australian Mist, Mandalay, Templecat
- Natural Instincts
- Wild Cats
- Introduction
- North & South America
- Canada Lynx, Bobcat, Puma
- Jaguar, Margay, Ocelot
- Andean Cat, Geoffroy's Cat, Jaguarundi, Pampas Cat, Northern and Southern Tiger Cats, Kodkod
- Cat Culture
- Europe & Asia
- Eurasian Lynx, Iberian Lynx, European Wildcat
- Tiger, Snow Leopard, Pallas's Cat
- Asiatic Wildcat, Chinese Mountain Cat, Jungle Cat, Rusty-spotted Cat, Fishing Cat, Leopard Cat
- Flat-Headed Cat, Asiatic Golden Cat, Bay Cat, Clouded Leopard, Marbled Cat
- Africa
- African Lion, Leopard, Cheetah
- Sand Cat, Serval, African Wildcat, Caracal, Black-footed Cat, African Golden Cat
- Record-breaking Cats!
- Glossary
- Index