The darkness within us

Tricia Levenseller

Book - 2024

Ambitious nineteen-year-old duchess Chrysantha's dream of financial independence falls apart when a mysterious man arrives at the manor claiming to be the rightful heir to her inheritance.

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Fantasy fiction
Romance fiction
New York : Feiwel and Friends 2024.
Main Author
Tricia Levenseller (author)
First edition
Physical Description
pages cm
Ages 13 and up.
Grades 10-12.
Contents unavailable.
Review by Booklist Review

Chrysantha, looking for power and freedom, married a duke three times her age, waiting for him to die to pass on his riches to her. Just as she's not really mourning her husband's death, an invitation to her sister's wedding arrives: Alessandra is marrying a King. Determined not to be outclassed by her younger sister, Chrysantha starts planning how best to show off at the wedding--that is, until Eryx Demos appears, claiming he's the dead Duke's grandson and thus more deserving of the title, money, and status. It's then that her plans turn from triumphing over her sister to triumphing over Eryx. Chrysantha will find any secrets he's hiding and see him dead or disowned, whichever benefits her more. Levenseller is an ace at her own brand of fantasy. Fans of her Bladesmith duo will find much to love, but Darkness and its companion, The Shadows between Us (2020), would be great starter series for any teen fantasy reader or those who love the romantic tension of Bridgerton.

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Kirkus Book Review

The underestimated sister of a soon-to-be queen has her own tale to tell in this companion novel to Levenseller's The Shadows Between Us (2020). Nineteen-year-old Chrysantha and her younger sister, Alessandra, who's the fiancee of the Shadow King, don't have the best relationship. Chrysantha has always been jealous of how easily Alessandra achieves success, while Alessandra thinks Chrysantha is a fool. For her part, Chrysantha uses this reputation as a facade and a means to an end while she patiently awaits the demise of her lewd--and wealthy--husband, the Duke of Pholios. With Chrysantha's assistance, the 64-year-old duke dies, allowing his widow to drop the charade and focus on being independent and spending money according to her own whims and desires. That is, until distractingly handsome 18-year-old Eryx Demos arrives, claiming to be her late husband's heir who's ready to take control of the estate. Combining her objectives of outshining Alessandra at her royal wedding with enjoying some captivating arm candy and gaining Eryx's trust in order to stab him in the back, Chrysantha takes up the job of molding Eryx into a proper duke. Chrysantha's and Eryx's wickedly charming personalities clash in the most pleasing and seductive ways, so that even though the plot feels repetitive at times, there's still much to delight in. Chrysantha's skin is "dark beige"; Eryx is "tanned" and has "tawny-brown hair." Banter and sexual tension abound in this enjoyable enemies-to-lovers fantasy. (Fantasy romance. 14-18) Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.