Gaza An inquest into its martyrdom

Norman G. Finkelstein

Book - 2018

"Gaza is among the most densely populated places in the world. Two-thirds of its inhabitants are refugees, and more than half the population is under eighteen years of age. Since Israel occupied Gaza in 1967, it has systematically de-developed the economy. After Hamas won democratic elections in 2006, Israel intensified its blockade of Gaza, and after Hamas consolidated its control of the territory in 2007, Israel tightened its illegal siege another notch. In the meantime, Israel has launched no less than eight military operations against Gaza--culminating in Operation Cast Lead in 2008-9 and Operation Protective Edge in 2014--that left behind over three million tons of rubble. Recent UN reports predict that Gaza will be unlivable by 2...020. Norman G. Finkelstein presents a meticulously researched and devastating inquest into Israel's actions of the last decade. He argues that although Israel justified its blockade and violent assaults in the name of self-defense, in fact these actions were cynical exercises of brutal power against an essentially defenseless civilian population. Based on hundreds of human rights reports, the book scrutinizes multifarious violations of international law Israel committed both during its operations and in the course of its decade-long siege of Gaza. It is a monument to Gaza's martyrs and a scorching accusation against their tormentors"--Provided by publisher.

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  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Part 1. Operation Cast Lead
  • 1. Self-Defense
  • 2. Deterring Arabs, Deterring Peace
  • 3. Spin Control
  • 4. Human Shields
  • Part 2. The Goldstone Report
  • 5. A Zionist Bears Witness
  • 6. The Star Witness Recants
  • Part 3. The Mavi Marmara
  • 7. Murder on the High Seas
  • 8. Whitewash I: The Turkel Report
  • 9. Whitewash II: The UN Panel Report
  • Part 4. Operation Protective Edge
  • 10. Stalled Juggernaut
  • 11. Israel Has the Right to Defend Itself
  • 12. Betrayal I: Amnesty International
  • 13. Betrayal II: UN Human Rights Council
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix: Is the Occupation Legal?
  • Index
Review by Choice Review

A longtime passionate critic of Israeli policies toward Palestinians, the author has never been one to shy away from controversy, whether accusing Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz of plagiarism or calling out supporters of Israel who charge their critics with anti-Semitism. Here, he warns prospective readers that "perusing this book will require infinite patience," and that he "holds out faint hope" that it "will find an audience among his contemporaries." This volume is indeed a demanding read and a detailed review of Israel's 2009 and 2014 invasions of Gaza and its raid of a Turkish humanitarian flotilla in 2010--and of the many human rights reports issued after each operation. The subtitle calls the book an inquest, but it reads more like a dogged prosecutor's indictment of Israel, complete with over 1,300 footnotes. While eager to document Israeli killings of civilians, Finkelstein is keen to defend Hamas from charges of war crimes. He charges both Amnesty International and the United Nations Human Rights Council with "betrayal" for publishing reports that partly criticize Palestinian rocket attacks and that are less critical of Israel than he believes the facts warrant. Nonetheless, the factual record compiled here will be of interest to future historians on all sides. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty. --Scott Waalkes, Malone University

Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

Political-science professor Finkelstein (Method and Madness), a controversial voice in the contentious debate over Israel's role in the Middle East, establishes his sharp focus here not on Gaza generally but on "what has been done to Gaza" in a succession of Israeli actions, particularly Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009), Operation Pillar of Defense (2012), and Operation Protective Edge (2014). He delineates that "what has befallen Gaza is a human-made human disaster," likening it to American policies of Native American removal. Heavy with supportive documentation (footnotes outstrip the text on occasion) and often dense in officialese from the reports of various entities involved (including the UN Human Rights Council, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International), Finkelstein debunks much of what he sees about Gaza in the U.S. media and government as reflecting the work of the Israeli lobby. "Perusing this book will require infinite perseverance," Finkelstein warns, and readers with limited familiarity with the major actors on the ground, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Authority, may feel more overwhelmed than informed. On the other hand, readers with fixed positions, either in agreement or disagreement with Finkelstein, will find much to engage with here. (Jan.) © Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.

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