Growing succulents A pictorial guide to planting and design (over 1,000 photos and 700 plants)
Book - 2023
"Beginners will love this book for its pictorial and concise approach to growing, grouping and caring for succulents and cacti to make them thrive. Experienced succulents enthusiasts will appreciate the sheer variety of plants described here, a detailed field guide to over 700 varieties, from the Echeveria "Fleur Blanc" with its pink-tinged leaves to the exotic "plaid" Euphorbia obese that is so popular among collectors. Growing Succulents includes details a more casual grower wouldn't need, for instance, such as making a framed growing area specifically for your succulents to thrive and multiply. The plants are grouped by seasons (spring-fall or summer-winter types), when and how much to water them, their ease... of cultivation, and more. Tips for cultivating each genus are included, along with plenty of advice on how to keep them healthy and vigorous. An index to all the plants makes this an indispensable guide when adding to your collection of succulents, cacti and air plants!"--Publisher's description.
- Subjects
- Published
Clarendon :
Tuttle Publishing
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Physical Description
- 176 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
- 9780804855532
- How to Use This Book
- Why I Wrote This Book
- Part 1. Plant Arrangements
- Arrangements with Drought-resistant Plants
- A Gathering of Succulents Only
- Steps and Tips for Arrangements
- Part 2. Cultivation Basics
- Choosing Seedlings
- Basics of Placement
- Basics of Watering
- Soil and Fertilizer
- Convenient Tools for Cultivation
- Calendar for Cultivation
- How to Grow Succulents
- Case Studies
- A new sprout has come out!
- Stems or branches have grown and become dense
- New sprouts have increased, the roots are now starting to feel packed in the pot
- The runners have grown long
- The leaves and stems are growing long and thin
- How to dean up Conophytum and Lythops
- Measures against Pests and Disease
- Part 3. 200 Popular Succulents
- Aeonium
- Adromischus
- Echeveria
- Petrification (monstrosa) and cresting (cristata)
- How to produce beautiful red fall foliage
- Obtaining Succulents: Cutting the trunk (arrow), planting and tailoring-Echeveria 'Shichifuku-jin'
- Rules for naming new varieties
- Kalanchoe
- Hybrid names and common names
- Obtaining Succulents: Cutting off growing stems or branches and re-tailoring-Kalanchoe 'Teddy bear'
- The Popular "Rabbit" Famly
- Crassula
- Obtaining Succulents: Cutting off growing stems or branches and re-tailoring-Crassula 'Tom Thumb'
- Graptoveria
- Obtaining Succulents: Cutting off offspring sprouts and re-tailoring-Graptoveria 'Margarete Reppin'
- Graptosedum
- Cremnosedum
- Graptopetalum
- Pachyveria
- What are hybrid genera? (intergeneric hybrids)
- Cotyledon
- Orostachys
- Obtaining Succulents: Cutting off growing stems or branches and re-tailoring-Cotyledon tomentosa ssp. Ladismithensis
- Sedum
- Sedeveria
- Obtaining Succulents: Cutting off growing stems or branches and re-tailoring-Pachyphytum rzedowskii
- Pachyphytum
- Sempervivum
- Obtaining Succulents: Cutting off growing stems or branches and re-tailoring-Sempervivum 'Marine'
- Tylecodon
- Hylotelephium
- Rosularia
- Monanthes
- Asphodelaceae
- Aloe
- Obtaining Succulents: There are plenty of offspring sprouts and the pot is getting cramped-Aloe rauhii 'White Fox'
- Astroloba
- Kumara
- Gasteria
- Obtaining Succulents: There are plenty of offspring sprouts and the pot is getting cramped-Gasteria baillisiana
- Gasteraloe
- Haworthia
- Classification of Haworthia types (1)
- Obtaining Succulents: There are plenty of offspring sprouts and the pot is getting cramped-Haworthia retusa
- Classification of Haworthia types (2)
- Bulbine
- Astroloba rubiflora (Poellnitzia rubiflora)
- Euphorbiaceae
- Euphorbia
- Euphorbia's white sap
- Euphorbia: Rich in individuality
- Cactus spines and Euphorbia spines
- Monadenium
- Pedilanthus
- Jatropha
- Aizoaceae
- Lithops
- Lithops Stretching: Wait of the next molt
- Conophytum
- Obtaining Succulents: Conophytum & Lithops skin molting/shedding
- Aloinopsis
- Antegibbaeum
- Ihlenfeldtia
- Phyllobolus
- Pleiospilos
- Argyroderma
- Oscularia
- Glottiphyllum
- Stomatium
- Titanopsis
- Dinteranthus
- Trichodiadema
- Nananthus
- Echinus
- Frithia
- Bergeranthus
- Ruschia
- Asparagaceae
- Agave
- Water marks and growth marks in Agave
- Albuca
- Ornithogalum
- Sansevieria
- Drimiopsis
- Bowiea
- Ledebouria
- Pachypodium
- Gesneriaceae
- Sinningia
- Asteraceae
- Othonna
- Geraniaceae
- Sarcocaulon
- Portulacaceae
- Portulaca
- Avonia
- Anacardiaceae
- Operculicarya
- Apocynaceae
- Fockea
- Moraceae
- Dorstenia
- Menispermaceae
- Stephania
- Didiereaceae
- Alluaudia
- Passifloraceae
- Adenia
- Dioscoreaceae
- Dioscorea
- Apocynaceae
- Pseudolilthos
- Portulacaceae
- Anacampseros
- Asteraceae
- Senecio
- Apocynaceae
- Orbea
- An Unforgettable Look: Flowers of the Orbea species
- Huernia
- Stapelia
- Caralluma
- Duvalia
- Urticaceae
- Pilea
- Apocynaceae
- Ceropegia
- Piperaceae
- Peperomia
- Bromeliaceae
- Dyckia
- Tillandsia
- Cactaceae
- Mammillaria
- Astrophytum
- Gymnocalycium
- Echinopsis
- Turbinicarpus
- Tephrocactus/Thelocactus
- Rhipsalis
- Rebutia
- Lophophora
- Epithelantha
- Eriosyce
- Sulcorebutia
- Stenocactus
- Parodia
- Ferocactus
- Opuntia
- Cintia
- Leuchtenbergia
- Glossary
- Index of Plants