American carnage Shattering the myths that fuel gun violence
Book - 2023
"Fred Guttenberg, who lost his beloved daughter Jaime in the 2018 Parkland school shooting, and International gun policy consultant Thomas Gabor team up in American Carnage to dismantle some of the most common myths about guns and gun violence. A national disgrace. In America, over 40,000 die each year as a result of gun violence. Relative to other advanced countries, the U.S. has a dismal gun violence record. Gun law reforms could reduce the number of gun deaths, but many political challenges stand in the way. A widespread multi-year misinformation assault on truth by the gun lobby and gun-extremists sows doubt about the dangers of pervasive gun ownership, gun carrying, and potential effectiveness of gun laws. Debunking popular gun my...ths. Countering with strong evidence-based research the many slogans and myths repeated incessantly by spokespersons for the gun lobby and its surrogates is essential if we are to have a society where kids can attend school safely and people can work and enjoy life without fear of being shot. Over the last 30 years, the NRA's campaign to achieve an armed society has succeeded in persuading many Americans that having a gun in the home or carrying a gun makes them safer. The evidence is overwhelming this is not the case. Guns in the home are far more likely to be used against a family member or in a suicide attempt than against an intruder. Tackling this and other myths is critical.
- Subjects
- Published
Coral Gables :
Mango Publishing
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- Physical Description
- 227 pages ; 22 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references.
- 9781684812059
- Foreword
- Chapter 1. Combatting Misinformation on Gun Violence
- The NRA's Contributions to the Assault on Truth
- Why We Wrote This Book
- Organization of the Book
- Chapter 2. The Truth about Guns in US History and Culture
- Myth 1. Gun Laws Are a Recent Development
- Myth 2. An Increasing Percentage of Americans Are Buying Guns
- Myth 3. America Has an All-Encompassing Gun Culture
- Myth 4. Most Americans Support an Expansive View of Gun Rights and Generally Oppose Restrictions on Gun Ownership
- Guns in US History: The Bottom Line
- Chapter 3. The Truth about Guns and Public Safety
- Myth 5. An Armed Society Is a Polite Society
- Myth 6. The Only Consequences of Gun Violence Are Murders
- Myth 7. Gun Violence Numbers Are Inflated Because They Include Suicides
- Myth 8. Guns Make Women Safer
- Myth 9. Arming Teachers Will Make Schools Safer
- Myth 10. Gun Violence Is Just a Problem in the Inner Cities
- Guns and Public Safety: The Bottom Line
- Chapter 4. The Truth about Guns and Assault Weapons
- Myth 11. Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People
- Myth 12. An AR-15-Style Rifle is a Sporting Gun
- The Role of Firearms and Assault Weapons in Catalyzing Violence: The Bottom Line
- Chapter 5. The Truth about Guns sad Self-Defense
- Myth 13. Guns Provide a Net Benefit to Society in That They Are More Likely to Be Used for Protection Than to Commit Crimes
- Myth 14. There Are 2.5 Million Defensive Gun Uses Per Year in the US
- Myth 15. Right-to-Carry Laws Reduce Crime
- Myth 16. The Training Required of Concealed Weapons Permit Holders Prepares Them for Effective Defensive Gun Use
- Myth 17. All Concealed Weapons Permit Holders Are "Good Guys"
- Myth 18. Stand Your Ground Laws Save Lives
- Myth 19. Most Mass Shootings Occur in Gun-Free Zones
- Guns and Self-Defense: The Bottom Line
- Chapter 6. The Truth about the Causes of Gun Violence
- Myth 20. The US Has More Gun Deaths Than Other Countries Because It Is More Violent and Not Due to Higher Gun Ownership or Weaker Gun Laws
- Myth 21. Mass Shootings and Gun Violence Are Primarily Due to the Mental Illness of the Perpetrator
- Causes of Gun Violence: The Bottom line
- Chapter 7. The Truth about Guns and the Constitution
- Myth 22. The Second Amendment Grants Americans the Right to Carry Any Firearm into Any Setting
- Guns and the Constitution: The Bottom Line
- Chapter 8. The Truth about Guns and Freedom
- Myth 23. Widespread Gun Ownership and Gun Carrying Increases Our Freedom
- Myth 24. We Must Choose between Public Safety and the Freedom to Own Guns
- Myth 25. Gun Violence is the Price We Pay for Our Freedoms
- Guns and Freedom: The Bottom tine
- Chapter 9. The Truth as to Why Guns Ought to Be Regulated
- Myth 26. We Need to Tackle the Root Causes of Violence and Stop Blaming Guns
- Myth 27. Why Ban Guns When People Can Also be Killed with Knives or a Frozen Ham, or Die in a Car or Pool?
- Myth 28. Guns Don't Matter Because People Will Find a Way to Kill Others or Themselves Regardless of Gun Availability
- Why Guns Should Be Regulated: The Bottom Line
- Chapter 10. The Truth about Gun Laws and Gun Violence Prevention
- Myth 29. Gun Violence Prevention Always Involves Changes to Laws and Public Money
- Myth 30. Switzerland and Israel Have Relaxed Gun Laws and Low Murder Rates
- Myth 31. Hitler Introduced Strict Gun Control to Repress the Population
- Myth 32. We Don't Need More Gun Laws, We Just Need to Enforce the Laws We Have
- Myth 33. Gun Control Doesn't Work; Chicago Has Very Strict Laws and a Huge Gun Violence Problem
- Myth 34. Gun Owners and Non-Owners Disagree on Every Form of Regulation
- Myth 35. Bans and Restrictions Don't Work Since Criminals Don't Obey the Law and Can Buy Guns on the Illegal Market
- Myth 36. Banning Firearms Is Futile When So Many Weapons Are Already in Civilian Hands
- Myth 37. Gun Laws Are a First Step to the Complete Disarmament of the Population (the Slippery Slope Argument)
- Gun Laws and Gun Violence Prevention: The Bottom Line
- Chapter 11. How to Combat Misinformation and Change the Focus from Gun Rights to Public Safety
- Identifying Leading Areas and Sources of Misinformation on Guns and Gun Violence
- Making Factual Information Widely Available
- Inoculating People Against Misinformation
- The Use of Technology to Combat Misinformation
- Next Steps: Combatting Gun Violence Misinformation
- Asserting Our Right to Live by Combatting the Biggest Lie Relating to Guns
- Appendix A. A Declaration of the Right to Live Free from Gun Violence
- Preamble
- Declaration
- Acknowledgments
- Endnotes
- About the Authors