Life in five senses How exploring the senses got me out of my head and into the world

Gretchen Rubin

Book - 2023

"The #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Project discovers a surprising path to a life of more energy, creativity, and love: by tuning in to the five senses. For more than a decade, Gretchen Rubin had been studying happiness and human nature. Then, one day, a visit to her eye doctor made her realize that she'd been overlooking a key element of happiness: her five senses. She'd spent so much time stuck in her head that she'd allowed the vital sensations of life to slip away, unnoticed. This epiphany lifted her from a state of foggy preoccupation into a world rediscovered by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. In this revelatory journey of self-experimentation, she explores the mysteries and... joys of the five senses as a path to a happier, more mindful life. Drawing on cutting-edge science, philosophy, literature, and her own efforts to practice what she learns, she investigates the profound power of tuning in to the physical world. From the simple pleasures of appreciating the magic of ketchup and adding favorite songs to a playlist, to more adventurous efforts like creating a daily ritual of visiting the Met and attending Flavor University, Rubin show us how to experience each day with depth, delight, and connection. In the rush of daily life, she finds, our five senses offer us an immediate, sustainable way to cheer up, calm down, and engage the world around us-as well as a way to glimpse the soul and touch the transcendent. A Life in Five Senses is an absorbing, layered story of discovery filled with profound insights and practical suggestions about how to heighten our senses and use our powers of perception to live fuller, richer lives-and, ultimately, how to move through the world with more vitality and love"--

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2nd Floor 152.1/Rubin Checked In
2nd Floor 152.1/Rubin Checked In
Self-help publications
New York, : Crown [2023]
Main Author
Gretchen Rubin (author)
First edition
Physical Description
xiii, 250 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 235-240).
  • Seeing what was missing
  • Coming to my senses
  • Seeing: the voluptuousness of looking, or why no one notices the gorilla
  • Hearing: snow on water, or how silence can be noisy
  • Smelling: the fragrance of hot sun, or why "unscented" is a scent
  • Tasting: the taste of the tea and the cake, or why Ketchup is magic
  • Touching: my brain out on my fingers, or why holding this stone is lucky
  • Onward: the chief inlets of soul, or how the body can minister to the spirit (and vice versa)
  • Epilogue: wider than the sky
  • Acknowledgments
  • Try this at home: a five-senses jump-start
  • Further resources
  • Notes
  • Suggestions for further reading
  • List of works from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Review by Booklist Review

A scare at the eye doctor prompts Rubin, cohost of the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, whose previous books include Outer Order, Inner Calm (2019), to focus on her five senses and their contributions to her happiness. Alone or accompanied by her family and friends, Rubin uses scientific studies, classes, experiments, and a daily trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to explore sensory input. For sight, Rubin collects scarlet objects to fill a glass bowl and speaks with a subway artist about her images. For hearing, she makes a mixtape of songs that prompt emotions and attends a sound-bath meditation. For smell, Rubin takes an introduction to perfumery class and plays a game to identify odors with her kids. For taste, she makes a time line of tastes, from childhood to adulthood, and dines at a restaurant wearing a blindfold. For touch, Rubin tries out a sensory deprivation tank and buys a smooth stone for good luck. To tie it all together, Rubin begins a five-senses journal. Not only does each experiment give Rubin a boost in her sensory awareness; she finds that these explorations also lead to a greater awareness of her body and new and deeper connections with family and friends. This inspiring book will prompt readers to open themselves to the world around them.

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

Bestseller Rubin (The Happiness Project) turns her attention to sensory perception in this flawed offering. Reeling from an eye doctor's passing comment about her predisposition for a condition that can cause sight loss, Rubin realized she'd been "allowing the sensations of life to slip away unobserved," whether the feeling of her husband's stubble or New York City's "heady of car exhaust, marijuana, and honey-roasted peanuts." Rubin dedicates a chapter to each sense, weaving together research, personal observations, and musings on its importance to her life. "Taste" involves a food tour of the Lower East Side's Jewish cuisine with her mother-in-law and children, which helps her realize how bonding over food can "deepen relationships." The heated tiles of a hotel bathroom floor and a hug, meanwhile, show how touch can confer pleasure or comfort, and daily visits to the Metropolitan Museum of Art help the author differentiate subtle variations in color. Rubin suggests practices for readers to deepen sensory awareness, among them hosting a "Taste Party" to compare different varieties of familiar foods. While this outing has its revealing moments, it lacks clear purpose, and Rubin's aims to extract "deeper insights about the human experience" through sensory awareness are too broad. The author is undoubtedly enthusiastic about her material, but that alone doesn't salvage this. (Apr.)

(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved
Review by Kirkus Book Review

The author of The Happiness Project examines the five senses. As in her previous books about personal transformation and well-being, Rubin once again combines elements of memoir with scientific data. Following a distressing trip to the eye doctor, the author realized she had been taking her senses for granted. For years, writes the author, she felt stuck inside her head, disconnected from the world, other people, and herself. "I wanted to appreciate the moments of my life more fully; I wanted to get out of my head and into my life; I wanted to deepen my knowledge of the world, of other people--and of myself," she writes. For each of the five senses, Rubin shares her research on their mechanics. "By immersing myself in strong sensations for this experiment," she writes, "I hoped I'd sharpen my five senses for the rest of my life." Living in New York City, she visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art every day for one year to help heighten her awareness of her senses. The author also engaged in other exercises, often including her family and friends. These included decorating part of her home with "a mass of color out of objects" she found; attending the traveling "Immersive Van Gogh" exhibit; curating an "Audio Apothecary" playlist of her favorite music; living in her "Silent Home Retreat" for three days; learning perfumery; organizing a tasting party; lying in a "sensory enhancement" tank; and, most adventurously, experiencing ayahuasca with a guide. As her journey progressed, Rubin evolved: "I felt more awake, more serene, more present in my body." She also discovered that she was noticing and connecting with other people to a greater degree. The takeaway is that we can actively shape our sensory experiences rather than passively enduring them. For active seekers, Rubin again provides simple insights for becoming more aware of place, self, and others. Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Seeing What Was Missing A few years ago, an ordinary event shook up my life. I made a trip to the eye doctor. One wintry Thursday morning, my eyes felt gummy and sandy when I got out of bed, but I paid no attention to them until I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror. I was startled to see that the whites of my eyes had turned an angry pink, and my lashes were clumped together: the distinctive signs of pink eye. I ignored my condition for as long as I could, but eventually I found myself in my eye doctor's exam room, trying not to touch my face. How many times had I sat in this chair and counted the certificates mounted against the light wood of the walls? To someone unfamiliar with bulky eye-exam equipment, the complicated shapes might look menacing, but I'd been facing off with those machines since third grade. I cried when I first learned that I needed glasses, but the minute I put them on and discovered that I could make out a bird on a branch and every face on the playground, I loved them. Finally my doctor breezed in. He checked my (very pink) eyes, confirmed my amateur diagnosis, and prescribed some drops. As we said goodbye, he added casually, "Make sure you schedule a regular checkup soon. As you know, you're more at risk for a detached retina." "Wait, what?" I asked, turning around. "Actually, no, I don't know about that." "You're extremely nearsighted, which makes it more likely that your retina will pull away from its normal position. It's a serious problem that could damage your vision, so if it starts we want to catch it right away." He spoke as cheerfully as if he were giving me a standard reminder to drink enough water or wear sunscreen. "I'm sorry," I said, "can you explain that again?" I flashed back to the fact that the nurse had referred to me as a "high myope" just before the doctor came in. He repeated himself, and I listened with mounting alarm; I had a friend who had recently lost some of his sight due to a detached retina. I became so distracted by my anxiety that as the doctor talked I could hardly hear what he was saying. (I didn't take notes, and I always take notes.) He finished by saying, "So I'll see you at your next checkup, okay?" "Okay, thanks," I said, stunned, and continued out the door. By the time I was outside, something in me had shifted. I felt frightened. My sight! Until this conversation, I had never given much thought to my sense of sight beyond making sure my contact-lens prescription was up-to-date. As I headed home through the soft dusk, I realized that it had been a long time since I'd noticed the New York City streetscape that I loved. What if it dimmed or even vanished for me? I turned a corner, and in an instant, all my senses seemed to sharpen. It was as if every knob in my brain had suddenly been dialed to its maximum setting of awareness. I gazed through my sticky eyes at the luminous gray sky above the buildings and at the frilly purple leaves of the ornamental kale in the tree boxes. I picked out every sound in the weekday city racket of sirens, jackhammers, horns, and shouts. I smelled a heady mixture of car exhaust, marijuana, and honey-roasted peanuts from a Nuts4Nuts cart. Never before had I experienced the world with such intensity--it was extraordinary. As I continued through the streets, waves of exhilaration made me want to laugh out loud or say to a passing stranger, "Look at the trees! Aren't they beautiful?" For too long, I realized, I'd been taking it all for granted--the colors, the sounds, the feel of everything around me. My walk home took only twenty minutes, but those twenty minutes were transcendent. I kept thinking, "This experience is now, it's here; and it's also past, never to be repeated." In that time, I woke to a profound truth: I had my one body and its capacities right now, and I wouldn't have them forever. In college, I'd read a cheap edition of Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady on a top bunk with no proper reading light; now I had to enlarge my smartphone's font to answer my emails. One day I might no longer hear my husband Jamie's loud yawns, or see our dog, Barnaby, triumphantly race through the apartment with his beloved Abominable Snowman toy in his mouth. Already, our daughter Eliza was out of the apartment, and we had just a few years left with Eleanor under our roof. I was a dutiful caretaker of my body--careful to get enough sleep, to exercise, to eat healthy food, to get my checkups and vaccines, to wear sunglasses and a seatbelt. But was I appreciating my body and its powers? Was I savoring each day of my life as it was unfolding? Was I paying attention to the people I loved? As I pressed the keypad to let myself into our apartment building, I accepted the truth that, until now, I'd ignored: I was running out of time. Shadows had begun to slant eastward, over Central Park and over my life. I didn't want to come to the end and think, "So many things happened to me. I wish I'd been paying attention." I came home to an empty apartment. Before long, I heard Jamie calling me from the front hallway, and I jumped up to greet him. "Hello!" I said, with a rush of love. "How was your day?" When I gave him a kiss, I noted the rough stubble on his cheek, and as we talked, I found myself gazing into his face with an intensity that let me register the green of his eyes and the gray in his dark hair as I hadn't for a long time. I waited for Eliza and Eleanor to return from dinner with their grandparents. When they walked through the door, they seemed taller than I remembered, as though I'd looked at them without really seeing them for months. "Hello!" I said, as I gave each of them a long hug. "Hi," they answered, with some surprise at my enthusiasm. As I pulled Eliza close, then Eleanor, I noted the scents of their different shampoos, one honey, one plum. When they were little, I'd been so physically engaged with my daughters, constantly carrying, bathing, feeding, rocking, and cuddling them. Now that they were older, I more often kept my distance. Too much time had passed since I'd held them tight. I resolved to make a change. My pink-eye infection cleared after a few days, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd experienced. For years, I'd been studying human nature and reflecting on how we can build happier lives: the science of the soul. One of my most important realizations was that we can build a happy life only on the foundation of self-knowledge. The more my life reflected my own temperament, values, and interests, the happier I became, so I spent a lot of time trying to know myself better. Before starting this process of self-examination, I'd assumed, "How difficult can it be to know myself? I hang out with myself all day long!" But self-knowledge is hard. To know myself better, I asked myself questions: "Whom do I envy?" "What do I lie about?" "What did I do for fun when I was ten years old?" "How do I put my values into action?" I also followed dozens of happiness-boosting resolutions: "Revive a dormant friendship," "Follow the one-minute rule," "Celebrate minor holidays," and "Choose the bigger life." Despite all these efforts, over the past few years, I'd started to realize that I felt stuck in my head--disconnected from the world and other people, and also from myself. I traveled all the way from New York City to Los Angeles to see my sister Elizabeth, but when I got back, I realized I hadn't once noticed her characteristic way of gesturing with her hands, and I had no idea if she was still wearing her signature circle necklace every day. Had I really looked at her at all? I'd been trying to figure out what was missing from my life, and that unforgettable walk home from the eye doctor revealed the answer: I needed to connect with my five senses. I'd been treating my body like the car my brain was driving around town, but my body wasn't some vehicle of my soul, to be overlooked when it wasn't breaking down. My body--through my senses--was my essential connection to the world and to other people. Excerpted from Life in Five Senses: How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of My Head and into the World by Gretchen Rubin All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.