I exaggerate

Kevin Nealon

eBook - 2022

Beloved Saturday Night Live alum Kevin Nealon shares original full-color caricatures and insightful personal essays about his famous friends In I Exaggerate, famed comedian and actor Kevin Nealon pairs his artwork with sweet, funny, and endearing stories about the subjects he paints. From reminiscences about Saturday Night Live hosts to an excerpt from the eulogy he gave at his dear friend Garry Shandling's funeral, the writing in this book is warm and nostalgic, and the list of subjects Kevin wants to cover is everyone you could hope for. In addition to Nealon's paintings, the book includes doodles on SNL scripts, early artwork drafts, and insights into his relationship with art, which he likens to his relationship to comedy. Th...is is a charming project from a comedy all-star. Subjects include: Budd Friedman, Robin Williams, Johnny Carson, David Letterman, Andy Kaufman, Jim Carey, Buzz Aldrin, Tilda Swinton, Dana Carvey, Lorne Michaels, Steve Martin, Chris Farley, Chris Rock, Daisy Edgar Jones, Timothée Chalamet, James Taylor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Christopher Walken, Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart, Howard Stern, Carrie Fisher, Elizabeth Taylor, Eddie Vedder, Kurt Cobain, Billie Eilish, John Travolta, Harry Dean Stanton, The Pointer Sisters, Garry Shandling, Tom Petty, Tiffany Haddish, Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, Emma Stone, Prince Rogers Nelson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Robert Plant, Rami Malik, Jennifer Aniston, Matt LeBlanc, Dave Chappelle, Lady Gaga, Jeff Daniels, Norm MacDonald, Arnold Palmer, Brad Paisley, Ken Jeong, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Joaquin Phoenix, Anya-Taylor Joy, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Whitney Houston, and Anthony Bourdain.

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[United States] : Abrams 2022.
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Kevin Nealon (-)
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1 online resource
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Review by Kirkus Book Review

A collection of caricatures and related anecdotes from the actor and comedian. Nealon is perhaps best known for his time on Saturday Night Live from 1986 to 1995. During that time, he would sketch images of his fellow cast members in the margins of his scripts, often making them his "unwitting subjects." More recently, while flying to and from stand-up gigs, fellow passengers have also become his subjects. During the pandemic, when stand-up gigs were canceled, he found himself sketching even more. The author recounts how he became interested in drawing as a boy and later developed an affinity for French impressionist painters, particularly Claude Monet, who also enjoyed drawing caricatures. Later, Nealon began visiting museums in order to study the artists' paintings and techniques, and he learned to paint using a digital tablet, which is the technique he employs in this book. The only downside to his hobby, he writes, is that when he looks at people now, he sees their character traits exaggerated in his head. Among the celebrities and other notable individuals included in the book are Robin Williams, who was "a modern-day Jonathan Winters. No one was quicker or funnier; I was absolutely floored by his wit, improvisational skills, characters, and voices. He was pure genius"; Johnny Carson, whom Nealon "watched religiously"; and Steve Martin, whom Nealon claims to have "first discovered" (before any of his other friends). He includes many fellow SNL cast members, including Dana Carvey, Chris Farley, and Norm Macdonald, as well as SNL creator and executive producer Loren Michaels. He also includes portraits of musicians, including Kurt Cobain, Tom Petty, Eddie Vedder, and Prince. The anecdotes that Nealon includes with each image are heartwarming and sincere. As the author writes, each sketch was "a labor of love." Other profiles include Howard Stern, Jennifer Aniston, and Anthony Bourdain. An impressive collection from a multifaceted artist. Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.