Refuse to be done How to write and rewrite a novel in three drafts

Matt Bell, 1980-

Book - 2022

"They say writing is rewriting. So why does the second part get such short shrift? Refuse To Be Done will guide you through every step of the novel writing process, from getting started on those first pages to the last tips for making your final draft even tighter and stronger. From lauded writer and teacher Matt Bell, Refuse to Be Done is encouraging and intensely practical, focusing always on specific rewriting tasks, techniques, and activities for every stage of the process. You won't find bromides here about the "the writing Muse." Instead, Bell breaks down the writing process in three sections. In the first, Bell shares a bounty of tactics, all meant to push the writer through the initial conception and get words on... the page. The second focuses on reworking the narrative through outlining, modeling, and rewriting. The third and final section offers a layered approach to polishing through a checklist of operations, breaking the daunting project of final revisions into many small, achievable tasks. Whether you are a first time novelist or a veteran writer, you will find an abundance of strategies here to help motivate you and shake up your revision process, allowing you to approach your work, day after day and month after month, with fresh eyes and sharp new tools"--

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New York, NY : Soho Press, Inc [2022]
Main Author
Matt Bell, 1980- (author)
Physical Description
155 pages ; 21 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages [153]-155).
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Review by Choice Review

In Refuse to Be Done, award-winning writer Matt Bell (Arizona State Univ.) provides a practical guide to the process of drafting and revising a novel. He counsels aspiring novelists to approach working on their manuscripts as an iterative process consisting of three phases--generative revision, narrative revision, and polishing revision--each with its own objectives and strategies. The strength of the book, however, is not just in its schematization of the writing process but also in the wealth of immediately applicable techniques Bell offers. In the first phase, for example, Bell suggests seeing what ideas arise from juxtaposing two scenes that differ markedly in content or style. In the second phase, he proposes that writers retype their manuscripts, revising as they go and enriching the new drafts with knowledge of characters and events acquired by writing previous drafts. One exercise for the last phase involves searching for words that tend to enervate the prose (that, just), that distance readers from the narrating consciousness (think, see), or that writers often overuse (shrug, nod, suddenly). Bell also includes advice and observations from writers Kevin Brockmeier, Deborah Eisenberg, Garth Greenwell, Amy Tan et al. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty and professionals; general readers. --Thomas A. Dodson, Southern Oregon University

Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Booklist Review

Through years of meticulous reading and writing, author/educator Bell has identified a series of edits that make a novel manuscript its most compelling, ready for publication. This tight guide to rewriting focuses on persevering from draft to draft, squeezing out unnecessary filler, unhelpful backstory, and clunky prose until what remains is the shiniest, most concise telling of the story. Bell explains how to persist through a rough first draft, and how to trust that the sloppy first pass will become the polished novel the author is dreaming of. Bell advises writers to rewrite the entire draft for a second go, based on a revised outline of the evolving plot. Third passes identify strengths and weaknesses, and involve major cuts. His final message, which becomes the title of the book, is refusing to be done. There is always a scene, paragraph, or sentence that can be whittled to enhance the reader's experience of the story. If this guide is a reflection of Bell's theories at play, his readers are surely on a path to greatness.

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

"I know this can sound a little magical: start writing, and the draft will come," advises novelist Bell (Appleseed) in this heartening guide to writing a novel. Bell's plan comes in three stages, each pertaining to a different draft. The first involves an "exploratory draft," or discovering one's book by writing it; at this phase, he eschews formal organization and lets it flow. Before starting the second draft, he suggests taking a break and celebrating one's progress before writing a "summary of the book written in an approximation of the novel's voice" and rereading the first draft to create an outline of it, which will guide rewriting; a rewrite, rather than revision, is the goal at this point. The third stage is "refuse to be done," in which writers should revisit scenes and more carefully consider structure, chapter length, and prose style--then cut and cut some more. Bell's cheerleading is bolstered by plenty of interviews and examples--novelist Alexis Smith, for instance, emphasizes the importance of learning what novel one is not writing--and writers intimidated by the process will find solace in the case he makes that while good writing is not easy, putting one's whole self into a novel is an "incredible joy." Budding novelists, take note. (Mar.)

(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved

Introduction: The Three Drafts You are writing a novel. You are writing a book. Go ahead and tell yourself. And then tell yourself again. Maybe say it a few more times, for luck. No matter what phase in the process you're in when you read this page--whether you're already laboring on your novel, whether you've not yet written a word--I implore you to continually affirm that you are writing a novel, that you are writing a book. Don't diminish, don't equivocate, don't find some way to keep from claiming the work. If only to yourself, if only in the tiniest whisper, say it: I am writing a novel. If it's the first time you've ever said this to yourself, I hope it feels good. If you've been saying it for years already, I hope it's a rededication of your commitment to a pursuit to which you've likely already dedicated many long hours. But what is it that you're doing, exactly, when you're writing a novel, filling the hours spent at your desk? Maybe your focus is on telling a gripping story, or bringing great characters to life, or plotting intricate mysteries, or inventing new worlds, or exploring family dramas, or capturing the stream-of-consciousness thoughts of one particular person as precisely as possible. Whatever your primary aim is for your novel, it doesn't on its own tell you what the task of going from the empty page to a finished manuscript will look like, in practical terms. This book is one attempt to fill in that blank, by offering actionable steps for every phase of the process as it applies to many of the kinds of novels being written and published today. Samuel R. Delany once said that "eighty-five to ninety-five percent of my work is rewriting and revision." That's been my experience, too, although I didn't always recognize it. As a student, I took years of creative writing workshops, and in most of those workshops, I was required to turn in an end-of-the-semester revision, demonstrating how I'd worked with the feedback I'd received from my classmates and my teachers. But requiring students to revise isn't the same as teaching students how to do it. In the absence of strategy, I relied on brute repetition to improve my stories: I wrote draft after draft, covering printed pages in red ink before returning to the computer to input countless changes I was never sure were necessarily improvements. Given sufficient time and a lot of effort, I was able to bully many of my rough drafts into respectable submissions and, then, with the help of kind editors, into readable stories capable of being printed in magazines and books. But when I started writing novels, I realized that as hard as short stories had been to revise, rewriting a novel draft of three hundred pages or so was far more daunting--and that would've been the case even if my first novel draft hadn't come out more broken than my average short story. Over the years, I've come to believe that revision and rewriting are most of what good writing entails: writing a successful book isn't only making the most of the first burst of inspiration, as pleasurable as that is. It's also the sustained and often small-scale work of making a promising manuscript better hour by hour, day by day, slowly but steadily moving it closer to your imagined ideal. So, while this is theoretically a book about revision, it's also a step-by-step guide to writing a novel--and because I believe rewriting and revision necessarily occur at every stage of the process, I've organized this guide into three large chapters, each devoted to one of what I think of as the "three drafts." You might be reading this book with a blank page in front of you, or with a partial draft already under way. In either case, you can employ the tactics in the "First Draft" chapter to practice generative revision, the kind of rewriting that will help you continue drafting and eventually finish the first version of your novel. This is where you'll find tactics for sustaining and extending your story and for overcoming common roadblocks and frustrations. At this stage, I advocate an exploratory, organic, and above all playful approach, not because it's the only way to draft a novel, but because it's the most enjoyable way I know how. When I finished the earliest draft of what would become my first published novel, I realized I didn't know how to approach improving so much material at once. The strategies in the "Second Draft" chapter emerged from my need to shape the rough, unwieldy material of a first draft toward a better-made, better-plotted second, which I did by a process I'll call narrative revision, because the big decisions you'll make during this draft will be about how to restructure and rewrite the dramatic material of the story to maximal effect. In many ways, this is the hardest turn to make, but it's also one of the more fulfilling parts of the process, as it's the stage where you'll make the most significant improvements to your plot, transforming your novel from draft to book. In the "Third Draft" chapter, you'll find a layered approach to "final" edits, where you'll ensure, by a series of smaller and more workable tasks, that your now well-structured, well-plotted book is as enjoyable as possible. You can think of this stage as polishing revision, but you might plan to make dramatic changes here, too. You may already have noticed that this first-draft, second-draft, third-draft structure is rather tidy. These "drafts" might be easier to think of as "stages," with the understanding that you might linger in one stage for a long time and then breeze through another; you might also return to a previous stage's strategies at any time or repeat a stage more than once, if necessary. More than likely, at certain points in the work, you'll find yourself employing strategies from all three stages at once. Because of this, there's no one right way to read this book: if you're starting from scratch, you might move through this book in a linear fashion, but I hope you'll also feel free to try the revision tactics ahead in whatever order you wish, adapting my process to yours. Take Only What's Useful The novel-writing process described in this book is a version of my own, and therefore it necessarily proceeds from my personal preferences regarding craft, audience, and story. (It also most likely re-creates my blind spots, although I've done my best to address those where I can; one goal of all good teachers has to be not to pass on their own lacks to their students.) While my own novels have been promoted as literary fiction of the speculative, genre-hopping variety, my interests as a reader and a student of craft are more varied and wide-ranging and, I hope, are getting more so every year. I worked at a small publishing house for several years, where I edited novels by writers working in a variety of styles, and for the past decade I've been teaching novel writing to students with unique goals, aesthetics, and intended audiences, all of which I try my best to honor and encourage in our working together. All this is only to say that while I believe much of what I suggest ahead will work for many different kinds of fiction writers, it's more than okay if certain tactics or techniques don't work for you or feel at cross-purposes with the kind of novel you want to write. The aim of this book isn't to make anyone into the kind of novelist I am--anything but that!--but to help you become more yourself, on the page and throughout your process. So, if some of the forthcoming advice doesn't feel like it applies to your novel, go ahead and discard what doesn't help or, better yet, subvert it: there's as much to be gained by actively opposing a craft lesson as there is in following it. This book is here to serve you and your book. Only what's useful to you applies. Excerpted from Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts by Matt Bell All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.