- Subjects
- Published
[Indianapolis, Indiana] :
- Language
- English
- Item Description
- Includes index.
- Physical Description
- ix, 370 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm
- 9780136829423
- Hour 1. Coding Your First Project
- Installing Roblox Studio
- Let's Take a Tour
- Opening the Output Window
- Writing Your First Script
- Error Messages
- Leaving Yourself Comments
- Hour 2. Properties and Variables
- Object Hierarchy
- Keywords
- Properties
- Finding Properties and Data Types
- Creating Variables
- Changing the Color Property
- Instances
- Hour 3. Creating and Using Functions
- Creating and Calling Functions
- Understanding Scope
- Using Events to Call Functions
- Understanding Order and Placement
- Hour 4. Working with Parameters and Arguments
- Giving Functions Information to Use
- Working with Multiple Parameters and Arguments
- Returning Values from Functions
- Returning Multiple Values
- Returning Nil
- Dealing with Mismatched Arguments and Parameters
- Working with Anonymous Functions
- Hour 5. Conditional Structures
- If/then Statements
- Elseif
- Logical Operators
- Else
- Hour 6. Debouncing and Debugging
- Don't Destroy, Debounce
- Figuring Out Where Things Go Wrong
- Hour 7. While Loops
- Repeat Forever, while true do
- Some Things to Keep in Mind
- While Loops and Scope
- Hour 8. For Loops
- How for Loops Work
- Nested Loops
- Breaking Out of Loops
- Hour 9. Working with Arrays
- What Are Arrays?
- Adding Items Later
- Getting Information from a Specific Index
- Printing an Entire List with ipairs ()
- Folders and ipairs ()
- Finding a Value on the List and Printing the Index
- Removing Values from an Array
- Numeric for Loops and Arrays
- Hour 10. Working with Dictionaries
- Intro to Dictionaries
- Adding and Removing from Dictionaries
- Removing Key-Value Pairs
- Working with Dictionaries and Pairs
- Returning Values from Tables
- Hour 11. Client Versus Server
- Understanding the Client and the Server
- Working with GUIs
- Understanding RemoteFunctions
- Using RemoteFunctions
- Hour 12. Remote Events: One-Way Communication
- Remote Events: A One-Way Street
- Communicating from the Server to All Clients
- Communicating from the Client to the Server
- Communicating from the Server to One Client
- Communicating from Client to Client
- Hour 13. Using ModuleScripts
- Coding Things Just Once
- Placing ModuleScripts
- Understanding How ModuleScripts Work
- Naming ModuleScripts
- Adding Functions and Variables
- Understanding Scope in ModuleScripts
- Using Modules in Other Scripts
- Don't Repeat Yourself
- Dealing in Abstractions
- Hour 14. Coding in 3D World Space
- Understanding X, Y, and Z Coordinates
- Refining Placement with CFrame Coordinates
- Offsetting CFrames
- Adding Rotations to CFrames
- Working with Models
- Understanding World Coordinates and Local Object Coordinates
- Hour 15. Smoothly Animating Objects
- Understanding Tweens
- Setting TweenInfo Parameters
- Chaining Tweens Together
- Hour 16. Solving Problems with Algorithms
- Defining Algorithms
- Sorting an Array
- Sorting in Descending Order
- Sorting a Dictionary
- Sorting by Multiple Pieces of Information
- Hour 17. Saving Data
- Enabling Data Stores
- Creating a Data Store
- Using Data in the Store
- Limiting the Number of Calls
- Protecting Your Data
- Saving Player Data
- Using UpdateAsync to Update a Data Store
- Hour 18. Creating a Game Loop
- Setting Up Game Loops
- Working with BindableEvents
- Hour 19. Monetization: One-Time Purchases
- Adding Passes to Your Experience
- Configuring the Pass
- Prompting In-Game Purchases
- Hour 20. Object-Oriented Programming
- What Is OOP?
- Organizing Code and Projects
- Making a New Class
- Adding Class Properties
- Using Class Functions
- Hour 21. Inheritance
- Setting Up Inheritance
- Inheriting Properties
- Working with Multiple Child Classes
- Inheriting Functions
- Understanding Polymorphism
- Calling Parent Functions
- Hour 22. Raycasting
- Setting Up the Function to Raycast
- 3D Math Trick: Getting the Direction
- Setting Raycast Parameters
- 3D Math Trick: Limit Direction
- Hour 23. Plopping Objects in an Experience: Part 1
- Setting Up the Object
- Creating a Plop Button
- Tracking Mouse Movements
- Previewing the Object
- Hour 24. Plopping Objects in an Experience: Part 2
- Detecting Mouse Input
- Sending a Message to the Server
- Getting the Message
- Appendix A. Roblox Basics
- Keywords
- DataType Index
- Operators
- Naming Conventions
- Animation Easing
- Possible Solutions to Exercises
- Index