The Education of Brett Kavanaugh An Investigation

Robin Pogrebin, Kate Kelly

eAudio - 2019

"A remarkable work of slowed-down journalism...They are doing their jobs as journalists and writing the first draft of history." —Jill Filipovic, The Washington Post"...Generous but also damning." —Hanna Rosin, The New York TimesFrom two New York Times reporters, a deeper look at the formative years of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his confirmation.In September 2018, the F.B.I. was given only a week to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's Supreme Court nominee. But even as Kavanaugh was sworn in to his lifetime position, many questions remained unanswered, leaving millions of Americans unsettled.During the Senate confirmation hearings that preceded ...the bureau's brief probe, New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly broke critical stories about Kavanaugh's past, including the "Renate Alumni" yearbook...

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Main Authors
Robin Pogrebin, Kate Kelly
Online Access
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MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size249 GB
Release Date9/17/2019
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size249 GB
Release Date9/17/2019