How to love the universe A scientist's odes to the hidden beauty behind the visible world
Book - 2018
How to Love the Universe is a new kind of science writing by an author truly enamored of the world around him. In ten short chapters of lyrical proseeach one an ode to an awe-inspiring realm of the universeStefan Klein uses everyday objects as a springboard to meditate on the beauty of the underlying science.
- Subjects
- Genres
- Popular works
- Published
New York :
The Experiment colophon
- Language
- English
German - Main Author
- Other Authors
- Item Description
- Originally published in German as: Das All und das Nichts (Frankfurt am Main : S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, 2017).
- Physical Description
- 222 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references.
- 9781615194865
- 1. The Poetry of Reality
- A rose makes us aware that nothing and nobody stands alone.
- The more we know about how things in the universe relate to each other, the more mysterious the world seems to us.
- 2. A Marble in the Cosmos
- The earth rises over the moon and we see the universe as it is being born. Much greater spaces are concealed behind the visible cosmos.
- Reality is quite different from how it seems to us.
- 3. Riding on a Ray of Light
- A young man wonders what light is, and his reflections on light explain the world to him. Time and space are revealed. But when Albert Einstein dies, light is still a mystery.
- 4. The World Spirit Fails
- A hurricane sweeps across Germany, a storm no one saw coming.
- Reasons why the world is unpredictable, and praise for the creative universe.
- 5. A Crime Story
- A villainous gang is raiding apartments in London and New York.
- Although the burglars were not able to arrange things with each other, their raids are perfectly coordinated.
- Investigator Glock is looking for a secret plan, but cannot find one. His conclusion: All the places in the world are, in reality, one place.
- 6. Is the World Real?
- A hammer hits a thumb. But the hammer, like all matter, consists of emptiness.
- How can nothingness hurt like that? And then-does the nothingness exist at all?
- 7. "Who Ordered That?"
- We live in a shadow world. No matter where we look, there is twenty times more than appears to us. More of what? We have no idea. But without dark energy, without dark matter, we couldn't exist.
- 8. How Time Passes
- A greying beard makes you wonder why the past can never come back. We experience the passing of time because we are not omniscient.
- The universe is growing older, as well.
- 9. Beyond the Horizon
- The night is dark because the world had a beginning.
- Since then the universe has been expanding.
- Space is bigger than we can imagine.
- Thoughts on being amazed.
- 10. Why We Exist
- In each of us one of the most astonishing characteristics of the universe appears: Intelligent life is not only possible but even probable.
- How can anyone maintain, therefore, that we are meaningless?
- Notes
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
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