Linux basics for hackers Getting started with networking, scripting, and security in Kali


Book - 2019

"Builds a foundation of Linux skills; this guide also addresses MySQL, postgresql, and Python scripting. Provides access to numerous real-world examples and hands-on exercises"--

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San Francisco, CA : No Starch Press, Inc [2019]
Main Author
OccupyTheWeb (author)
First edition
Physical Description
xxxvi, 211 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes index.
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • What's in This Book
  • What Is Ethical Hacking?
  • Penetration Testing
  • Military and Espionage
  • Why Hackers Use Linux
  • Linux Is Open Source
  • Linux Is Transparent
  • Linux Offers Granular Control
  • Most Hacking Tools Are Written for Linux
  • The Future Belongs to Linux/Unix
  • Downloading Kali Linux
  • Virtual Machines
  • Installing VirtualBox
  • Setting Up Your Virtual Machine
  • Installing Kali on the VM
  • Setting Up Kali
  • 1. Getting Started With The Basics
  • Introductory Terms and Concepts
  • A Tour of Kali
  • The Terminal
  • The Linux Filesystem
  • Basic Commands in Linux
  • Finding Yourself with pwd
  • Checking Your Login with whoami
  • Navigating the Linux Filesystem
  • Getting Help
  • Referencing Manual Pages with man
  • Finding Stuff
  • Searching with locate
  • Finding Binaries with whereis
  • Finding Binaries in the PATH Variable with which
  • Performing More Powerful Searches with find
  • Filtering with grep
  • Modifying Files and Directories
  • Creating Files
  • Creating a Directory
  • Copying a File
  • Renaming a File
  • Removing a File
  • Removing a Directory
  • Go Play Now!
  • Exercises
  • 2. Text Manipulation
  • Viewing Files
  • Taking the Head
  • Grabbing Thai Tail
  • Numbering the Lines
  • Filtering Text with grep
  • Hacker Challenge: Using grep, nl, tail, and head
  • Using sed to Find and Replace
  • Viewing Files with more and less
  • Controlling the Display with more
  • Displaying and Filtering with less
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 3. Analyzing And Managing Networks
  • Analyzing Networks with ifconfig
  • Checking Wireless Network Devices with iwconfig
  • Changing Your Network Information
  • Changing Your IP Address
  • Changing Your Network Mask and Broadcast Address
  • Spoofing Your MAC Address
  • Assigning New IP Addresses from the DHCP Server
  • Manipulating the Domain Name System
  • Examining DNS with dig
  • Changing Your DNS Server
  • Mapping Your Own IP Addresses
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 4. Adding And Removing Software
  • Using apt to Handle Software
  • Searching for a Package
  • Adding Software
  • Removing Software
  • Updating Packages
  • Upgrading Packages
  • Adding Repositories to Your sources.list File
  • Using a GUI-based Installer
  • Installing Software with git
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 5. Controlling File And Directory Permissions
  • Different Types of Users
  • Granting Permissions
  • Granting Ownership to an Individual User
  • Granting Ownership to a Group
  • Checking Permissions
  • Changing Permissions
  • Changing Permissions with Decimal Notation
  • Changing Permissions with UGO
  • Giving Root Execute Permission on a New Tool
  • Setting More Secure Default Permissions with Masks
  • Special Permissions
  • Granting Temporary Root Permissions with SUID
  • Granting the Root User's Group Permissions SGID
  • The Outmoded Sticky Bit
  • Special Permissions, Privilege Escalation, and the Hacker
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 6. Process Management
  • Viewing Processes
  • Filtering by Process Name
  • Finding the Greediest Processes with top
  • Managing Processes
  • Changing Process Priority with nice
  • Killing Processes
  • Running Processes in the Background
  • Moving a Process to the Foreground
  • Scheduling Processes
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 7. Managing User Environment Variables
  • Viewing and Modifying Environment Variables
  • Viewing All Environment Variables
  • Filtering for Particular Variables
  • Changing Variable Values for a Session
  • Making Variable Value Changes Permanent
  • Changing Your Shell Prompt
  • Changing Your PATH
  • Adding to the PATH Variable
  • How Not to Add to the PATH Variable
  • Creating a User-Defined Variable
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 8. Bash Scripting
  • A Crash Course in Bash
  • Your First Script: "Hello, Hackers-Arisel"
  • Setting Execute Permissions
  • Running HelloHockersArise
  • Adding Functionality with Variables and User Input
  • Your Very First Hacker Script: Scan for Open Ports
  • Our Task
  • A Simple Scanner
  • Improving the MySQL Scanner
  • Common Built-in Bash Commands
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 9. Compressing And Archiving
  • What Is Compression?
  • Tarring Files Together
  • Compressing Files
  • Compressing with gzip
  • Compressing with bzip2
  • Compressing with compress
  • Creating Bit-by-Bit or Physical Copies of Storage Devices
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 10. Filesystem And Storage Device Management
  • The Device Directory /dev
  • How Linux Represents Storage Devices
  • Drive Partitions
  • Character and Block Devices
  • List Block Devices and Information with Isblk
  • Mounting and Unmounting
  • Mounting Storage Devices Yourself
  • Unmounting with umount
  • Monitoring Filesystems
  • Getting Information on Mounted Disks
  • Checking for Errors
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 11. The Logging System
  • The rsyslog Logging Daemon
  • The rsyslog Configuration File
  • The rsyslog Logging Rules
  • Automatically Cleaning Up Logs with logrotate
  • Remaining Stealthy
  • Removing Evidence
  • Disabling Logging
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 12. Using And Abusing Services
  • Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Services
  • Creating an HTTP Web Server with the Apache Web Server
  • Starting with Apache
  • Editing the index.html File
  • Adding Some HTML
  • Seeing What Happens
  • OpenSSH and the Raspberry Spy Pi
  • Setting Up the Raspberry Pi
  • Building the Raspberry Spy Pi
  • Configuring the Camera
  • Starting to Spy
  • Extracting Information from MySQL
  • Starting MySQL
  • Interacting with MySQL
  • Setting a MySQL Password
  • Accessing a Remote Database
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Database Tables
  • Examining the Data
  • PostgreSQL with Metasploit
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 13. Becoming Secure And Anonymous
  • How the Internet Gives Us Away
  • The Onion Router System
  • How Tor Works
  • Security Concerns
  • Proxy Servers
  • Setting Proxies in the Config Pile
  • Some More Interesting Options
  • Security Concerns
  • Virtual Private Networks
  • Encrypted Email
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 14. Understanding And Inspecting Wireless Networks
  • Wi-Fi Networks
  • Basic Wireless Commands
  • Wi-Fi Recon with aircrack-ng
  • Detecting and Connecting to Bluetooth
  • How Bluetooth Works
  • Bluetooth Scanning and Reconnaissance
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 15. Managing The Linux Kernel And Loadable Kernel Modules
  • What Is a Kernel Module?
  • Checking the Kernel Version
  • Kernel Tuning with sysctl
  • Managing Kernel Modules
  • Finding More Information with modinfo
  • Adding and Removing Modules with modprobe
  • Inserting and Removing a Kernel Module
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 16. Automating Tasks With Job Scheduling
  • Scheduling an Event or Job to Run on an Automatic Basis
  • Scheduling a Backup Task
  • Using crontab to Schedule Your MySQLscanner
  • Crontab Shortcuts
  • Using rc Scripts to Run Jobs at Startup
  • Linux Runlevels
  • Adding Services to rc.d
  • Adding Services to Your Bootup via a GUI
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • 17. Python Scripting Basics For Hackers
  • Adding Python Modules
  • Using pip
  • Installing Third-Party Modules
  • Getting Started Scripting with Python
  • Variables
  • Comments
  • Functions
  • Lists
  • Modules
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Network Communications in Python
  • Building a TCP Client
  • Creating a TCP Listener
  • Dictionaries, Loops, and Control Statements
  • Dictionaries
  • Control Statements
  • Loops
  • Improving Our Hacking Scripts
  • Exceptions and Password Crackers
  • Summary
  • Exercises
  • Index