- Preface and Acknowledgments
- 1. Introduction
- Labyrinth Fishes
- Siamese Fighting Fish
- 2. Characteristics of the Genus
- Fin Types
- Iridescence and Opacity
- Colors-Green and Blue
- Pigments
- Carotenoids
- Pterins
- Overview
- 3. Bubblenesting Bettas
- Bubblenester Basics
- Splendens Group
- Bellica Group
- Coccina Group
- 4. Mouthbroothing Bettas
- Spawning Triggers
- Anabatoides Group
- Dimidiata Group
- Edithae Group
- Unimacuiata Group
- Picta Group
- Pugnax Group
- Waseri Group
- Akarensis Group
- Foerschi Group
- Rubra Group
- Albimarginata Group
- Patoti Group
- Populations of Uncertain Status
- 5. Foods and Feeding
- Foods for Fry
- Foods for Larger Bettas
- Prepared Foods
- 6. Common Diseases and Treatments
- Physical and Chemical Effects
- Infectious Diseases
- Viruses
- Responding to an Outbreak
- Bacteria
- Antibiotics and Antimicrobials
- Principal Bacterial Diseases
- Protozoa
- Coccidia-Apicomplexans-Goussia
- Microsporia-Heterospora, Glugea, Pleistophora, and Allies
- Flatworms
- Roundworms (Nematodes)
- Arthropod Parasites
- General Considerations
- 7. Zoogeography
- Where Bellas Live and Anabantoid History
- The Geography of Bettas
- 8. Betta Genetics
- The Basics
- Mendel Revisited
- Alleles
- Mutations vs. Alleles
- DNA and RNA Triplet Codes
- 9. Breeding Bettas
- Conditioning
- The Breeding Tank
- The First Date
- Spawning
- Hatching
- Feeding the Fry
- Grow-out
- Culling
- 10. Other Gouramies
- References
- Index