Pregnancy, OMG! The first ever photographic guide for modern mamas-to-be
Book - 2018
"New York Times bestselling author Nancy Redd's visual guide to pregnancy and all the bizarre, hilarious, and often unanticipated changes a woman's body can go through. WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME THIS COULD HAPPEN?!-- This is not the thought you want to be having when you're frantically Googling whether your pregnancy symptom is normal or an emergency. Just when you thought there could never be another pregnancy book, Pregnancy, OMG! comes along, and you realize how much the current market is missing. Did you know that: your nose can change size and shape? Your fingernails, far from growing long and strong, can crack or fall off? You can completely (temporarily) lose your sense of smell? That 5% of women grow a third boob? M...ore seriously, that 25-50% percent of the partners of women with postpartum depression develop it themselves, or that 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage? This is a one-stop guide to every change a woman's body can go through while pregnant, and is unlike anything for expecting parents on the market: it is illustrated by full-color photographs of a diverse set of real pregnant women of all shapes, sizes and ages. Featuring Nancy Redd's trademark warmth, humor, and candor, and partnered with the advice and vetting of medical experts, this book tackles embarrassing, confusing, and less-widely discussed issues that many pregnant women face while offering practical tips and techniques to ease even the strangest problems, helping to dispel panic and shame, and providing women the resources they need for a healthy pregnancy."--
- Subjects
- Published
New York :
St. Martin's Griffin
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- Edition
- First edition
- Physical Description
- xvi, 206 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references (pages 192-193) and index.
- 9781250113184
- Note from the OB-GYN
- Introduction
- Swelling
- Normal Swelling
- Swelling That's Not Swell
- Preeclampsia
- Skin
- Hyperpigmentation
- Linea Nigra
- Pregnancy Glow
- Skin Tag: You're It!
- Stretch Marks
- Stretching Tattoos
- Popped-out Belly Button
- Pregnancy Acne
- Pregnancy Mask
- Erythema Nodosum
- Spider Veins
- Varicose Veins
- Hemangiomas
- Excess Sweat
- Hot Flashes
- Excess Itchiness
- Irritant Contact Dermatitis
- Miliaria
- Pregnancy Eczema
- Friction and Chafing (a.k.a. "Diaper-area Rash")
- Jewelry Rashes
- Dormant Diseases Appearing in Pregnancy
- Shingles
- Genital Herpes
- Cold Sores
- Hives
- Intrahepatic Cholestasis Of Pregnancy (ICP)
- Hair
- Thicker Hair
- Thinning Hair & Bald Spots
- Hair Breakage
- Chemical-free Hair Care
- Oily Hair
- Texture & Color Changes
- Excess Body Hair
- Waxing Before Labor
- Boobs
- Painful Breasts
- Bra Talk
- Nipples From (o)(o) to (@)(@)
- See-through Skin
- Bumpy Nipples
- Leaky Nipples
- Breastfeeding 101
- Implants & Breastfeeding
- Breast Lumps
- Breast Cancer & Pregnancy
- Down There
- Stabbing Crotch Pain
- Swollen Vulva
- Varicose Veins Of the Vulva
- Pee Problems
- Burning Pee (Infections)
- Smelly Crotch
- Smelly Infections & STDs
- Douching: Just Say No
- Leaky Vagina
- Spotting in Early Pregnancy
- Spotting In Later Pregnancy
- Passing Gas
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoids
- Diarrhea
- Aches & Pains
- Cramping
- Contractions
- Belly & Round Ligament Pain
- Upper Right Tummy Pain? Not Normal!
- Diastasis Recti
- Take Pelvic Girdle Pain Seriously!
- Lower Back Pain
- Upper Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Tension Headaches
- Migraines
- Sinus Headaches
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Leg Cramping
- Weak Ankles
- Physical Therapy For Pain
- Massage Pressure Points That Are Off-limits
- Facial Numbness & Paralysis
- Nose
- Nose Growth
- Nosebleeds
- Funky Smells
- Loss Of Smell
- Breathing Problems
- Eyes & Ears
- Vision Problems
- Dry Eyes
- Watery Eyes
- Burning Ears
- Hearing Loss
- Earwax
- Ear Pain or Swelling
- Ringing Ears (Tinnitus)
- Hands & Feet
- Caught red-handed?
- Tingling Hands or Wrists
- De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
- Nails That Separate
- Brittle Nails
- Ingrown Toenails
- Permanent Foot Growth
- Calluses and Corns
- Bunions
- Teeth, Mouth & Throat
- Drooling: Not Just For Babies!
- Dry Month
- Voice Variations
- Swollen Lips
- Baby Blue ... Lips?
- Chapped & Cracked Lips
- Angular Cheilitis
- Geographic Tongue Twisters
- Oral Thrush
- Tonsil Stones
- Hiccups
- Bleeding Gums (Gingivitis)
- Bad Breath
- Pregnancy Granuloma
- Mouth Sores
- Loose Teeth
- Painful Teeth
- TMJ & Bite Changes
- Food & Nutrition
- Morning Sickness All Day Long
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- Dehydration
- Anemia
- Fainting, Lightheadedness & Dizzy Spells
- Eating For Two or Twenty-two?
- Altered Tastes
- Crazy Cravings
- Meat craving Vegetarian!
- Dirt Is Not a Snack!
- Heartburn & Indigestion
- Intolerances & Allergies
- Food Aversions
- Peanuts & Pregnancy
- Gestational Diabetes (GD)
- Sleep
- Pregnancy Fatigue
- Sleep Paralysis
- Sleep Orgasms
- Snoring
- Is It Sleep Apnea?
- Nightmares
- Insomnia
- Sex & Love
- When Baby Makes Three: The Transition To Parenthood
- Co-parent Education is Crucial
- Depressed Dads-to-Be
- PregMANcy? It's Real!
- Hot & Horny Mama!
- When You Have To Say Ho To Sex: Doctors Orders!
- Best Pregnant Sex Positions
- Condom Common Sense
- Sex vs. Intimacy
- When Your Partner's Not Into Sex With a Preggo
- Breaking Up During Pregnancy
- When It Just Doesn't Work Out: Child Support
- Signs Of Abuse
- Abuse Is Not OK-Get Out?
- Mental Health & Stress
- Blessed To Be Stressed
- Pregnancy Brain
- Fatigue vs. Pregnesia
- The New PMS: Pregnancy Mood Swings!
- Beyond Hormones
- The H Word: Hormones
- 35-plus? You're Not Alone!
- Prenatal Depression
- Gender Disappointment
- Bed Rest & Your Brain
- PTSD & Pregnancy
- Overcoming Childhood Abuse
- OCD & Worrying About Harming Your Baby
- Coping With Loss
- Rainbow Babies
- Endnote: The Final Push
- Resources
- Acknowledgments and Credits
- Index