Love & money Protecting yourself from angry exes, wacky relatives, con artists, and inner demons
Book - 2017
It is no secret that we are living in an increasingly litigious society. What may come as a surprise, though, is that we are far more likely to be involved in a costly legal dispute with a former loved one than we are with a stranger. In Love & Money, Ann-Margaret Carrozza will help you to easily understand and implement essential legal strategies to prevent you from doing legal battle with someone you once shared Thanksgiving dinner (or a pillow) with. Through an engaging narrative, including amusing cautionary tales, readers will learn how to utilize contracts to identify and avoid costly relationship landmines, reduce pet peeves, and create a joint mission statement, all the while ensuring that one's wealth and values are trans...mitted to future generations. Love & Money demystifies many legal structures, including: prenuptial; postnuptial; cohabitation agreements; love contracts; wills; trusts; powers of attorney; healthcare advance directives. After learning how to erect legal barriers against external wealth destroyers and evildoers, the focus of the book moves to internal wealth destroyers. Readers will learn how to identify and combat internal wealth repellants such as low self-esteem, fear, and stress. Becoming and remaining wealthy requires more than just money. This book provides a unique education about the interrelated nature of the internal and external laws of wealth and how to put them both to work for stronger relationships with one's finances and loved ones.
- Subjects
- Published
New York :
Allworth Press
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Item Description
- Includes index.
- Physical Description
- xiii, 225 pages ; 24 cm
- 9781621535546
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Chapter 1. Prenuptial Agreements
- Chapter 2. Postnuptial Agreements
- Chapter 3. Cohabitation Agreements
- Chapter 4. Protecting Fido and Fluffy
- Chapter 5. Stale Documents Can Cost You
- Chapter 6. Children and Money
- Chapter 7. Toxic Agreements
- Chapter 8. Trusts as Love Contracts
- Chapter 9. Second-Marriage Planning
- Chapter 10. The Internal Laws of Love and Money
- Chapter 11. Eliminating Personal Roadblocks to Wealth
- Chapter 12. The Love Contract in Action
- Chapter 13. Love Contract with My Future Self
- Chapter 14. The Love Contract with Future Generations
- Epilogue
- Index