Smoke A novel

Dan Vyleta

Book - 2016

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Alternative histories (Fiction)
Fantasy fiction
New York : Doubleday [2016]
Main Author
Dan Vyleta (-)
First edition
Physical Description
xii, 431 pages ; 25 cm
Contents unavailable.
Review by New York Times Review

AS HE WAS creating Middle-earth, J.R.R. Tolkien often read passages of his work-in-progress to the Inklings, the amiable Oxford literary group that included C.S. Lewis. Once, the story goes, Tolkien got up and began to read a fresh chapter. In the back of the room, a third Inkling, Hugo Dyson, muttered, with deeply forgivable despair, a comment containing a profanity: "Oh no. Not another... elf." It's a funny anecdote. But an illuminating one, too, because of course it's Tolkien's very obsessiveness that makes him great. There's a certain kind of fantasy novel that feels tinkered over, far past the point of usefulness, to such a degree that the author's preoccupation with his special world supersedes, in an odd way, the book for which it was invented - the book becoming only an artifact of the process, an externality, rather than its endpoint. You can see that in the volumes that follow the masterpieces: for instance "The Silmarillion," Tolkien's unreadable late addendum to "The Lord of the Rings," or "The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories," a collection of scraps that lingers without much purpose in the universe of Susanna Clarke's wonderful "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell." Neither writer was ready to depart an alternative reality merely because the story that inspired it had finished. From a step back, even great novels of this type can seem silly. Another elf! But because their authors have imagined them so specifically and fully, the best ones have a peculiar, thrilling, impossible-to-fake actualness. Hogwarts, Islandia, Earthsea: You can go there, really go there, and so, for a while, stop being here. No wonder teenagers fall for them hardest. For about a hundred pages, "Smoke," a new magical-historical novel by Dan Vyleta, offers this sort of rare immersion. In its superb opening, the boys at an English boarding school - never named, but with a convincing resemblance to Eton - assemble in the bathrooms for a late-night tribunal. The time is roughly Edwardian. Julius, a refined, aristocratic bully, randomly selects a succession of individuals to be interrogated in front of the gathering, as two friends watch, terrified that one of them might be called next. Charlie is open, kind and well born; Thomas is darker, sharper and bears the wounds of a complex family history. Still, neither has anything definite to hide. They're only scared to be questioned because it might make them smoke. This smoke is the conceit of Vyleta's novel, the single radical difference between its reality and ours. When humans in "Smoke" lie or become angry or feel passion, they begin to emit this visible evidence of their emotions. Among the upper classes, smoking is disgraceful - hence the self-policing of the boys - while the lower classes smoke almost continually. "Burghers may smoke, once in a while," the author adds in a typically wry, enlivening aside. "One does not expect better of them." Soon, though, Thomas and Charlie begin to wonder about the real nature of smoke, stumbling first upon a finely imagined sequence of small puzzles - there's a particular kind of hard candy that may have something to do with it, a particular kind of cigarette too - and then upon the obligatory big secret, which concerns the true origins of the stuff. It turns out there are sides involved, and beliefs. Eventually, the boys get close enough to the truth that they're forced to go on the run, seeking safety and answers. It's the increasingly unbalanced Julius who sets out to chase them down. Vyleta is a skilled, inventive writer, and his idea here is inspired; in its initial burst of creative energy, "Smoke" is headily like the fiction of David Mitchell or Michel Faber. Unfortunately, the novel's strong premise is betrayed almost immediately by problems of both storytelling and world-building, which are first distracting, then grave and finally fatal. The plot is the more serious of Vyleta's difficulties. It seems badly underthought - too compressed in time, inexcusably dependent on contrivance and coincidence - and its intricate strands, tracking smokeless savages and hidden shipboard compartments and mad schoolmasters, never really cohere. Instead, Vyleta bluffs his way out of them, usually by pondering the smoke, into which he pours so much meaning that it eventually becomes meaningless. By the end of the book, it's everything: "Yearning. Courage. Anger. ... Defiance. Triumph. Hope. It's the animal part of us that will not serve." This is exactly the brand of sophistry that also diminished long stretches of the trilogy that is, with its enchanted dust, perhaps a model here, Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials." By contrast, Tolkien's interest in his characters is almost always local. He might have had nuclear annihilation on his mind, but his books have a profound solidity of specification, to use Henry James's phrase, the crucial sense that their author knew what berries were growing on every plant Frodo passed. Vyleta is talented enough to fill "Smoke" with plenty of good scenes and good writing, all the way through. But his novel never attains its own reality. Instead, it has the quality of a first draft, trying to make it all the way home off the initial propulsion of an exciting concept. It doesn't have that slight madness of commitment that distinguishes the strongest books in its genre, the thing that will drive so many of us to stand gratefully in line for the new, no doubt wholly gratuitous Harry Potter sequel when it comes out later this year. Smoke, in this novel, is a mark of passion: 'It's the animal part of us that will not serve.' CHARLES FINCH is the author, most recently, of the novel "Home by Nightfall."

Copyright (c) The New York Times Company [June 12, 2016]
Review by Booklist Review

*Starred Review* Historical-novelist Vyleta (The Crooked Maid, 2013) imagines an alternative turn-of-the-century England where the proletariat and aristocratic classes are further divided by the relationship to Smoke, the manifestation of sin that flows from the body as blackened breath or ashen sweat whenever someone thinks or acts immorally. The nobility maintain their stature by suppressing their desires, while the poor cake themselves in Soot every time they succumb to their feelings. But, like all social norms, Smoke is riddled with contradictions, as three boarding-school students discover on their winter break. As Thomas fights the darkness that has been thriving in him since birth, Charlie and Livia experience the allure of Smoke a thousand different ways, each one spawning a new question about human instinct: Is it natural to think bad thoughts, and if so, does that make it OK? Do people behave morally out of true goodness or to prove to others how much better they are? Full of otherworldly adventure yet chilling in its realism, Smoke lures readers into considering these questions about society and ourselves. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: With Vyleta poised to follow the rise of best-selling historical-fantasy author Susannah Clarke, a national tour and numerous media appearances will highlight a major promotion effort.--Hyzy, Biz Copyright 2016 Booklist

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

Vyleta's latest is a fiercely inventive novel set in a late Victorian Britain at once recognizable and intricately transformed. Best friends at an elite boarding school, Charlie Cooper and Thomas Argyle accept the way their world works: dark thoughts and deeds immediately cause black "Smoke" to emanate from human bodies, and the upper classes rule by virtue of being visibly more pure than the lower. Then the friends spend Christmas at the baronial home of Thomas's uncle Baron Naylor, and everything changes. They are both attracted to his daughter, Livia, and her half-brother, Julius Spencer, Thomas's cousin and a prefect at their school, hides a violent soul behind an irreproachable persona. Meanwhile, Lady Naylor is conducting secret research that throws everything they believe-from the texts of the Bible to the very nature of Smoke-into doubt. After investigating her laboratory and being attacked by an unknown assailant, Livia and the boys make for London, where they risk their lives for the chance to change their nation and themselves. Though its pacing falters a bit mid-book, Vyleta's (The Crooked Maid) bold concept and compelling blend of history and fantasy offer a provocative reflection on the nature of evil, power, belief, and love. Dickensian in its imaginative scope and atmosphere, Smoke will have readers glad that a sequel is already underway. (May) © Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.

(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved
Review by Library Journal Review

London is under a cloud of smoke-not the usual fog described in Charles Dickens novels. In this alternate history set in Victorian Britain, people exude smoke when they sin, leading to a huge pall over heavily populated areas such as London. Thomas and Charlie are students at an elite boarding school for aristocratic scions, where they are disciplined for any display of smoke or sooty residue. But the duo, on a visit to Thomas's aunt in the country, uncover a terrible truth about this phenomenon and must race to stop a conspiracy. This books succeeds on many levels. The author observes life in the school with a keen eye, depicting the casual cruelty of an older student that portends the true villainy to come. And the camaraderie of Thomas and Charlie, tested by violence and a romantic rivalry, keeps readers rooting for them through thick and thin. Livia, the object of their joint admiration, is another wonderfully realized character, shaken out of her sheltered and rigid life of self-discipline. VERDICT As a meditation on the nature of evil, Vyleta's fourth novel (after The Crooked Maid) has a depth that will be appreciated even as the action keeps the pages turning. [200,000-copy first -printing; a LibraryReads May pick.]-MM © Copyright 2016. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
Review by School Library Journal Review

Set in an alternate Victorian England, this novel opens with a late-night bullying scene in a boys' boarding school à la Robert Cormier or Charles Dickens. But over several hundred pages, the narrative develops into a story of three teenage friends on a mission to save the world from destruction by deranged adults, all while negotiating their own love triangle and questioning everything they've ever been told about the Smoke that streaks or puffs or billows out of people who lose self-control in their world. The religious and philosophical beliefs surrounding Smoke, the physical phenomenon of it, and its relatively short history in this England don't all quite hang together in terms of world-building, but most readers won't care, because the grubby mystery of Smoke is intriguing. Teens will find themselves wondering what makes humans human. The lush yet accessible writing style is irresistibly engaging. Most important, the three friends-a cheerfully privileged yet compassionate earl's heir, a mad scientist's haughty daughter, and a possibly cursed, ruthlessly honest orphan boy-are a heartbreaking, heartwarming pleasure to root for. This thick volume satisfies on its own, but a sequel would be welcome, too. VERDICT Give this to fans of either historical fiction or dystopian fiction who want to read a bit outside their comfort zone.-Hope Baugh, Carmel Clay Public Library, Carmel, IN © Copyright 2016. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
Review by Kirkus Book Review

A dystopian fantasy novel set sometime in 19th-century England. "We thank the Smoke" is a mantralike phrase that's used by characters throughout this exciting, fearful fantasy novel by Vyleta (The Crooked Maid, 2013, etc.). His previous novels explored social paranoia, distrust, and fear, and he's now bringing these same topics to a scary imagined world. Meet two young, upper-class best friends, Thomas Argyle and Charlie Copper, at what appears to be a classic English public schoolexcept it isn't. This is a world where children are born in sin, where Smoke emanates from their bodies when they lie or think a bad thought, and the purpose of this school is to cleanse them of the Smoke. Bleak House had its fog; in this world Smoke surrounds people, staining their clothes (only lye or urine will get it out). As children grow older, "Good begins to ripen." Why? Can it be changed? Over Christmas holidays, Thomas and Charlie meet a girl named Livia, a prefect at another school, the attractive daughter of Baron and Lady Naylor. Following up on something shocking Lady Naylor tells Thomas changes the novel's trajectory into one familiar to Philip Pullman and C.S. Lewis readersthe quest. Thomas, Charlie, and Livia are off to London and its old, abandoned halls of Parliament, where they'll seek answers about Smoke and the maleficence behind it. We root for these appealing characters as they face one dreadful obstacle after another. Although the novel is primarily told in the third person, many chapters are in the first person, narrated by a wide variety of characters, which helps the reader become more deeply invested in their adventures. Even though it's somewhat derivative of other books in this vein and loses its way at times, the novel's sumptuous, irresistible narrativefilled with plenty of twists and turns and imaginationwill satisfy any reader. A terrific, suspenseful tale that could definitely cross over to the teen audience. Sequel, anyone? Copyright Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

  T H E  T R I P      They make him wait for his punishment. It's laundry day the next morning and, having no choice, Thomas throws the sodden, smelly shirt into the basket, along with the week's underwear and bedclothes. The Soot stain has faded but not disappeared. It is no consolation to Thomas that many a schoolboy adds his own stained clothes to the growing pile. Each transgression leaves behind its own type of Soot, and those versed in such matters can determine the severity of your crime just by studying the stain's density and grit. This is why no classes in Smoke and Ethics are scheduled for laundry day: the master, Dr. Renfrew, spends his morning locked in his office, root- ing through boys' underclothes. The list of those found guilty of "Unclean Thoughts and Actions" is displayed in a glass cabinet before lunch, so that each schoolboy may learn what punishment has been levied on him. Two days of dining-hall service; three pages that have to be copied from the  Sec- ond Book of Smoke ; a public apology at school assembly. These, for minor transgressions. More serious offences require individual investigation. The boy in question will be called to the master's study, to answer for his sins. There is a chair there, upholstered in leather, that is equipped with leather straps. The boys call it the dentist's chair. No teeth are pulled, but the truth, Dr. Renfrew has been known to say, has to be dug up by the roots. For the most serious violations of Good Order even this procedure is seen to be insufficient. They require the calling of something referred to as a "tribu- nal." So Thomas has heard. There has been no such case in the weeks since he's been at school. In class, Thomas sits distracted and is reprimanded when he cannot recite the four principles of Aristotle's theory of causation. Another boy recites them with glib relish. He is not asked what the four principles mean, how they are used, or what good they may do; nor who this Aris- totle was whose marble bust stands in the school hallway, near the por- trait of Lord Shrewsbury, the school's esteemed founder. And in general Thomas has found that the school is more interested in the outward form of things rather than their meaning; that learning is a matter of reciting names or dates or numbers: smartly, loudly, and with great conviction. He has proven, thus far, a very bad student.   At lunch, he hardly eats. He is sitting in the school refectory, which has the shape and general dimensions of a chapel and is dreadfully cold. December winds have pushed the snow into the windows. On the outside they are shrouded in dull white that saps the warmth from every ray of sun. On the inside, they bleed cold water from the edges of their metal frames. On the floor, the puddles refreeze and eat away at the unvarnished wood. Lunch is a cut of hard gammon half hidden under a ladleful of luke- warm peas. Each bite tastes like mud to Thomas, and twice he bites down on the fork by accident, digging the prongs into his tongue. Halfway through the meal Charlie spots him and joins him at the table. One of the teachers held him up after class. Charlie waits until the skinny little boy on service duty has condemned him to his own piece of leathery gammon with its attendant pile of yellowing peas. "Anything?" he asks. Thomas shakes his head. "Nothing. Look at them, though. They are all waiting for it. The pupils, and the teachers, too. All of them, impatient. Yearning for the bloody shoe to drop." He speaks resentfully and even as the last word leaves his lips, a wisp of Smoke curls from his nostril, too light and thin to leave behind Soot. Charlie disperses it with a quick wave. He is not worried. Hardly anyone gets through the day without a minor transgression, and there have been days when a teacher could be seen flapping at a thread of Smoke pouring from his tongue. The students tend to like these teachers better. In their imperfection they are closer to their own states of grace. "They can't send you home." Charlie sounds like he believes it. "You've only just got here." "Maybe." "He'll call you into his office, Renfrew will." "I suppose so."     "You'll have to tell him how it was. No holding back." And then Charlie says what's been on Thomas's mind all morning. What he hasn't dared spell out. "Otherwise he mightn't let you join the Trip." Thomas nods and finds his mouth too dry to speak. The Trip is what everyone has been talking about from the minute he arrived at school. It's a unique event: there has been nothing like it in the school's history for close to three decades. Rumour has it that it was Ren- frew who had insisted on the Trip's revival, and that he has faced fierce opposition, from the teachers, the parents, and from the Board of Gov- ernors itself. It's hardly surprising. Most decent folk have never been to London. To take a group of schoolboys there is considered extraordinary, almost outlandish. There have been voices suggesting that it will put the whole school in danger. That the boys who go might never return. Thomas still has trouble finding spit for words. "I want to go" is all he manages before breaking into a dry cough. It does not quite capture what he feels. He  needs  to see it. The prospect of the Trip is the only thing that's kept him going these past few weeks. The moment he heard about it was the moment he decided there might be a meaning to his coming to school, a higher purpose. He'd be hard-pressed to say exactly what he expects from their visit to London. A revelation, perhaps. Something that will explain the world to him. The cough runs its course, exhausts itself in a curse. "That bastard Julius. I could kill the bloody turd." Charlie's face is so honest it hurts. "If you can't go, Thomas, I won't--" Thomas cuts him short because a group of  teachers are passing them. They are speaking animatedly, but drop their voices to a whisper the moment they draw level with the boys. Resentment flickers through Thomas's features, and is followed by another exhalation of pale, thin Smoke. His tongue shows black for a second, but he swallows the Soot. You do that too often, your windpipe roughens and your tonsils start to darken, along with what's behind. There is a glass jar in the science class- room with a lung so black it looks dipped in tar. "Look at them whispering. They are enjoying this! Making me stew in my own fat. Why don't they just get on with it? Put me in the bloody dock!" But Charlie shakes his head, watches the teachers huddle near the door. "I don't think they're talking about you, Thomas. There is something else going on. I noticed it earlier, when I went to the Porter's Lodge, to see if I had any mail. Master Foybles was there, talking to Cruikshank, the porter. Making inquiries. They are waiting for something, some sort of delivery. And it's important. Foybles sounded pretty desperate. He kept on saying, 'You'll let me know, won't you? The minute it arrives.' As though he were suspecting Cruikshank of hiding it away somewhere. Whatever  it  is." Thomas considers this. "Something they need for the Trip?" "I don't know," says Charlie, thoughtful. "If it is, it better come today. If they have to postpone the Trip, they might end up cancelling it altogether." He cuts a piece of gammon like it's wronged him somehow, spilling peas  on all sides. Thomas curses and turns to his own lunch. Leaving food on your plate is against the rules and carries its own punishment, as though it is proof of some invisible type of Smoke.     ф     They send for him after vespers. It's Julius who comes for him, smirking, Thomas can see him all the way down the corridor, an extra flourish to his step. Julius does not say anything. Indeed he does not need to, a gesture is enough, a sort of wave of the hand that starts at the chest and ends up pointing outward, down the length of the hall. Ironic, like he's a waiter, inviting Thomas to the table. And then Julius leads the way, walking very slowly now, his hands in his pockets, calling to some boys to open the door up ahead. Making sure everyone knows. Keeping pace with Julius, trapped behind that slow, slouching, no- haste-no-worry-in-the-world walk: it's enough to make Thomas's blood boil. He can taste Smoke on his breath and wonders if he's showing. A dark gown covers his shirt but he will soon be asked to remove it, no doubt, and expose his linens. He attempts to calm himself, picks Soot out of his teeth with the tip of his tongue. Its bitterness makes him gag. Julius slows down even further as they approach Dr. Renfrew's door. The Master of Smoke and Ethics. It's a new post, that, no older than a year. It used to be the Master of Religion was in charge of all the moral educa- tion, or so Charlie's told him. When they arrive at the door, Julius pauses, smirks, and shakes his head. Then he walks on, faster now, gesturing for Thomas to keep pace. It takes Thomas a minute to understand what's just happened. He is not going to see Dr. Renfrew. There will be no dentist's chair for him. It's worse than that. They are heading to the headmaster's quarters.   There's to be a tribunal. The word alone makes him feel sick.     ф     Julius does not knock when they reach the headmaster's door. This con- fuses Thomas, until they've stepped through. It leads not to a room but to a sort of antechamber, like a waiting room at the doctor's, two long benches on each side, and an icy draft from the row of windows on the right. They are high up here, in one of the school's towers. Beneath them, the fields of Oxfordshire: a silver sea of frozen moonlight. Down by the brook, a tree rises from the snow-choked grounds, stripped of its leaves by winter. A willow, its drooping branches dipped into the river, their tips trapped in ice. Thomas turns away, shivering, and notices that the door back to the hallway is padded from the inside, to proof it against sound. To protect the headmaster from the school's noise, no doubt. And so nobody can hear you scream. Julius stands at the other door, knocks on it gently, with his head boy's confidence and tact. It opens after only a moment: Renfrew's face, framed by blond hair and beard. "You are here, Argyle. Good. Sit." Then adds, as Julius turns to leave: "You too." Renfrew closes the door before Julius can ask why.     ф     They sit on opposite sides, Thomas with his back to the windows, Julius facing them, and the moon. It affords Thomas the opportunity to study him. Something has gone out of the lad, at this "You too." Some of the swagger, the I-own-the-world certainty. He is chewing his cheek, it appears. A good-looking boy, Thomas is forced to admit, fair-skinned and dark- haired, his long thin whiskers more down than beard. Thomas waits until Julius's eyes fall on him, then leans forward. "Does it hurt? The tooth, I mean." Julius does not react at once, hides his emotions as he does so well. "You are in trouble," he says at last. "I am here only as a witness."     Which is true in all likelihood, but nonetheless he looks a tad ruffled, Julius does, and Thomas cannot help gloating a little over his victory. They looked for the tooth late last night when Charlie and he were trying to clean his shirt, but it was gone. Julius must have picked it up himself. It would have made a nice souvenir. But that was then and now he is here, his hands all sweaty, casting around for bravado. Waiting. How much easier it would be to fight, even to lose: a fist in your face, a nosebleed, an ice bag on your aches. Thomas leans back, tries to unknot his shoulders. The moon is their only light source. When a cloud travels across it, the little waiting room is thrown into darkness. All he can see of Julius now is a shadow, black as Soot. It must be a quarter of an hour before Renfrew calls them in. Rich, golden gaslight welcomes them; thick carpets that suck all sound from their steps. They are all there, all the masters. There are seven of them-- Renfrew-Foybles-Harmon-Swinburne-Barlow-Winslow-Trout--but only three that count. Renfrew is tall and well-built, and still rather young. He wears his hair short, as well as his beard, and favours a dark, belted suit that seems to encase him from neck to ankle. A white silken scarf, worn tight at the throat, vouches for his virtue. Trout is the headmaster. He is very fat and wears his trousers very high, so that the quantity of flesh between the top of his thighs and the waist- band dwarfs the short sunken chest, adorned though it is with fine lace and ruffles. What he lacks in hair, Trout makes up for in whiskers. His button nose seems lost between the swell of his red cheeks. Swinburne, finally: the Master of Religion. Where Renfrew is tall, Swinburne is towering, if twisted by age. He wears the cap and smock of his office. The little one sees of his face is mottled with broken veins, the shape and colour of thistles. A beard covers the rest, long and stringy. Renfrew, Swinburne, Trout: each of them, it is said, entangled in affairs that reach from school to Parliament and Crown. Thomas has often thought of painting them. He is good with a brush. A triptych. He has not decided yet who belongs at the centre. It's Renfrew who bids them sit. He points to two chairs that have been pulled up into the middle of the room, making no distinction between them. Compared to the theatricality of Julius's examination last night, the gesture is almost casual. The masters are standing in clusters, wearing worsted winter suits. Some are holding teacups; Foybles is munching a biscuit. Thomas sits. After a moment's hesitation Julius follows suit. "You know why you are here." It is a statement, not a question, and Renfrew turns even as he makes it, reaches into a basket, retrieves something. It affords Thomas another moment to look around the room. He sees a leather settee and a brass chandelier; stained-glass windows with scenes from the Scriptures, Saint George with his lance through the dragon's throat; sees a painting of a fox hunt under a dappled sky; sees cabinets, and doors, and a sideboard with fine china; sees all this, but takes in little, his mind skittish, his skin tingling, nervous, afraid. When Renfrew turns back to them he is holding two shirts. He places one over the back of an unoccupied chair, spreads the other between his hands, displaying the Soot stain; runs his fingertips through it, tests its grit. And launches into lecture. "Smoke," he says, "can have many colours. Often it is light and grey, almost white, with no more odour than a struck match. Then there is yellow Smoke, dense and wet like fog. Blue Smoke that smells acrid, like spoiled milk, and seems to disperse almost as soon as it has formed. Once in a while we witness black Smoke, oily and viscous; it will cling to any- thing it touches. The variations of texture, density, and shade have all been carefully described in the  Four Books of Smoke:  a taxonomy of forty-three varieties. It is more difficult to establish the precise cause for each type of Smoke. It is a question not only of the offence but of the offender. The thoroughly corrupt breed darker, denser Smoke. Once a person's moral sickness is sufficiently advanced, all actions are coloured by its stain. Even the most innocent act will--" "Sin, Master Renfrew." It's Swinburne who interrupts him. His voice, familiar from the thrice-weekly sermon, has a shrill intensity all its own. He sounds like the man who ate the boy who ran his fingernails down the blackboard. "It is sin that blackens the soul. Not  sickness ." Renfrew looks up, annoyed, but a glance from the headmaster bids him swallow his reply. "Sin, then. A difference of nomenclature." He pauses, collects his thought, digs his fingers into the shirt's linen. "Smoke, in any case, is easy to read. It is the living, material manifestation of degeneracy. Of  sin . Soot, on the other hand, well, that is a different matter. Soot is dead, inert. A spent symptom, and as such inscrutable. Oh, any fool can see how much there is and whether it is fine like sea sand or coarse as a crushed brick. But these are crude measures. It requires a more scientific approach"--here Renfrew smooths down his jacket--"to produce a more sophisticated analysis. I spent my morning bent over a microscope, studying samples from both shirts. There are certain solvents that can cancel the inertness of the substance and, so to speak, temporarily bring it back to life. A concentrated solution of  Papaver fuliginosa richteria , heated to eighty-six degrees and infused with--" Renfrew interrupts himself, his calm self-possession momentarily strained by excitement. He resumes at a different point and in a different voice, gentler, more intimate, drawing a step closer to the boys and speak- ing as though only to them. "I say I spent the morning analysing these two shirts and I found some- thing unusual. Something disconcerting. A type of Soot I have seen only once before. In a prison." He draws closer yet, wets his lips. His voice is not without compassion. "There is a cancer growing in one of you. A moral cancer.  Sin "--a flicker of a glance here, over to Swinburne, hostile and ironic--"as black as Adam's. It requires drastic measures. If it takes hold--if it takes over the organism down to the last cell . . . well, there will be nothing anybody can do." He pauses, fixes both boys in his sight. "You will be lost."     ф     For a minute and more after this announcement, Thomas goes deaf. It's a funny sort of deaf: his ears work just fine but the words he hears do not reach his brain, not in the normal manner where they are sifted for significance and given a place in the hierarchy of meaning. Now they just accumulate. It's Julius who is speaking. His tone is measured, if injured. "Won't you even ask what happened, Master Renfrew?" he asks. "I thought I had earned some measure of trust at this school, but I see now that I was mistaken. Argyle attacked me. Like a rabid dog. I had no choice but to restrain him. He rubbed his filth into me. The Soot is his. I never smoke." Renfrew lets him finish, watches not Julius but the other teachers, some of whom are muttering in support. Thomas, uncomprehending, follows his gaze and finds an accusation written in the masters' faces. He, Thomas, has done this to one of theirs, they seem to be saying. Has covered him in dirt. Their golden boy. Thomas would like to refute the accusation, but his thoughts just won't latch on. All he can think is: what does it mean to be "lost"? "I have had occasion," Renfrew replies at last, "to collect three sepa- rate statements concerning the incident you are referring to, Mr. Spencer. I believe I have a very accurate impression of how events unfolded. The facts of the matter are these. Both shirts are soiled--from the inside and out. The Soot is of variable quality. But I took samples of this"--he picks from his pocket a glass slide at the centre of which a few grains of Soot hang suspended in a drop of reddish liquid--"from  both shirts. I could not determine the origin. "Both shirts," he continues, now turning to the teachers, "also bear marks of being tampered with: one very crudely"--a nod to Thomas-- "the other rather more sophisticatedly. Almost inexplicably, Mr. Spencer." Julius swallows, jerks his head. A crack of panic now mars his voice. "I wholly reject . . . You will have to answer to my family! It was this boy, this beast . . ." He trails off, his voice raw with anger. Swinburne rescues him: rushes up, with a rustle of his dark gown, taps Julius on the shoulder, ordering him to shut up. Up close Swinburne smells unaired and musty, like a cel- lar. The smell helps Thomas recover his wits. It is the most real thing in the entire room. That and a knocking, like a hard fist on wood. Nobody reacts to it. It must be his heart. "Mr. Spencer is innocent." Swinburne's voice brooks no dissent. He speaks as though delivering a verdict. "I too made inquiries about the inci- dent last night. The situation is quite clear. It's that boy's fault. His Smoke is potent. It infected Spencer." " Infected? " Renfrew smiles while the knocking grows louder. "A medical term, Master Swinburne. So unlike you. But you are quite right. Smoke  infects . A point only imperfectly understood, I fear. Which is why I insist that both these boys join the Trip tomorrow." Perhaps the most disconcerting thing about the roar of shouts and voices that answers this announcement is that Thomas's heart appears to stop: it gives a loud final rap and then falls silent. "It mustn't be," one of the teachers--Harmon? Winslow?--keeps repeating, high-pitched, squealing, as though giving voice to Thomas's dismay. A moment later the door is thrown open and the small, dishevelled figure of Cruikshank, the porter, stands on its threshold. He pokes his head into the sudden silence of the room.     "Beg pardon. Knocked till knuckles are raw. No answer. Message for Mast'r Foybles. Urjent, like. If yous please." The person thus named is mortified. "Not now, you fool!" Foybles cries, running across the room and drag- ging the porter out by the arm. Their whispered exchange in the ante- chamber is loud enough to focus all attention on the pair. "You says, ' At once ,' you did," Cruikshank can be heard declaiming. "But to burst in like that," Foybles berates him. "You fool, you fool." All the same he seems elated when he closes the door on the porter and re-joins the company of his peers. "The delivery has arrived," he declares, beaming, rubbing his hands in triumph before the room's atmosphere recalls him to the events that have just transpired there. Rather crushed, he withdraws into a corner and buries his face in a handkerchief for the purpose of clearing out his nasal passages. Like a compass needle momentarily distracted by a magnet, everybody's focus returns to Renfrew, who remains standing at the centre of the room. But the outrage at his announcement has spent itself, and Thomas's mind is clear at last. He is  lost . But he will be going to London. "There are objections?" Renfrew asks calmly. Swinburne glares at him, then turns his back and addresses the head- master. "Master Trout. That boy is a sickness in our midst. He should be sent down at once." Swinburne does not even condescend to point a finger at Thomas. But Trout shakes his head. "Impossible. He has a powerful sponsor. I will hear no more of it."   Swinburne makes to speak again, but Trout has heaved his heavy figure out of his armchair. "It is for the Master of Smoke and Ethics to determine the punishment. The government guidelines are quite clear. If Master Renfrew thinks these two boys will benefit from tomorrow's outing, so be it. Beyond that--" He glances questioningly at Renfrew. "I will work with each of them upon our return, Headmaster. An intensive programme of reform." Renfrew's voice sounds notes of reconciliation. "And, if it will set your mind at rest, dear colleagues, I have a list of pages here from the  Book of Smoke  that I shall ask them to copy. From the third volume." He glances at Swinburne. "Passages whose findings have been confirmed by the latest research. Which is more than we can say for much of the book." He distributes copies of the list to Thomas and Julius, then lingers at the head boy's side. "One more thing, Mr. Spencer. These midnight examinations. They will stop. I alone have the authority to examine the pupils at this school." Swinburne is too outraged to swallow his anger. "The school has its traditions. Only a fool meddles with--" Renfrew cuts him off. His tone, now, is cold and brutal. "A new era is dawning, Master Swinburne. You'd better get used to it." He gestures the two boys up and all but pushes them out the door. Outside, in the hallway, Thomas and Julius stop for a moment, dazed. For an instant something like companionship flickers between them, the sense that they have shared a danger, and survived. Then Julius straightens. "I hate you," he says and walks away. Not the slightest trace of Smoke rises from his skin. It leaves Thomas wondering what it is about Julius's hate that is sanctified, and what is so dirty about his own.     ф     "There you are! I've been looking all over." Charlie corners him just before lights-out. That's the thing about school: no matter how big it is, there is no place to hide. Each nook, each hour is supervised. Empty rooms are locked and the hallways swarm with boys; porters in the stairwells, and outside it's too bloody cold. "They say there's been a tribunal. In Trout's office." "Yes." Charlie starts to say something, swallows it, looks him full in the face. His eyes are so full of care for him, it frightens Thomas. "What did they do to you?" "Nothing." "Are you sure?" "Yes." Because how can Thomas tell him? That he's  infected . That there is an evil growing in him, so dark and ugly it frightens Renfrew. That one day he will wake up and do something unspeakable. That crime runs in his family.     That he is a dangerous friend to have. So he says, "They are letting me join the Trip." And also: "The delivery arrived. The thing they have been waiting for. Cruikshank came and told them." Charlie hoots when he hears about the Trip, from relief and from happiness that they'll be going together. It's a joy so simple and pure, it makes Thomas ashamed before his friend. He might have apologised-- confessed--had not Charlie put a hand on his arm and said, "Let's go see him. Cruikshank. We have a few minutes." He starts running, tugging Thomas along. "He likes me, Cruikshank does. I chat to him from time to time. He'll tell me what it is." And as they race down the stairs, their feet clattering, each matching the other's stride, Thomas forgets, almost, that he is a sick boy, a walking blight, the son of a man who has killed.       P O R T E R             Two boys. They come to me with questions. One who strips the truth off things like he's made of turpentine, and the other with eyes so frank, it inclines you to confession. I talk to the second, naturally, though I keep track of the first. He's the type you don't want sneaking up on you from behind.     "The deliv'ry?" I ask, like I don't quite recall. It's how you survive in this world. Play dumb, thicken your accent. Makes you invisible: one look and they dismiss you from their minds. The powers that be. But not these boys. Smarter than their teachers, they are. They simply wait me out. "Oh, nothin' special," I say at last. "Sweets, you know. Tea. Biscuits. From someplace in London." That's all I give them, that and the name, to see how they react. "Nice big stamp on the crate. Beasley and Son. Impor' and Expor', Deliv'ries to the Crown." They don't bat an eyelid, not one of them. Innocents, then. Though the quiet one looks like he was born with a knife in his fist. Like he had to cut his way out, and didn't much mind. "You goin' on the Trip, t'morrow, lads?" I ask, though of course I already know. "Yes, Mr. Cruikshank. Will you be joining us?" Mr.  Cruikshank my arse. Polite little bugger, laying it on nice and thick. Though he certainly looks like he means it. If he puts that sort of look on the right wench down in London, she'll clean his piping free of charge. "Oh no. I daresen't. Too scary for the likes of me. Wouldn't for all the world. Rather fly to the moon. Safer that." Like I haven't been to London. It's not fifty miles down the road. Two days' walk, when I was young. Now all you needs to do is sit yourself on a train. Bring a little roast chicken along. Enjoy the ride. Still, it's an odd venture, this Trip of theirs. Times are a-changing. Renfrew's been receiving letters. Three or four a month. No name on the flap but I can tell it's the ministry writing from the postal stamp. Richmond upon Thames. You get your map out, you'll see what you find. New West- minster Palace. The centre of power. Though there's talk of Parliament moving once again. Farther from London: the walls are already going grey. Trout gets post from the same little post office, but the hand that writes out the address is different, round and feminine, where Renfrew's man writes like a spider dragging its black guts. Hold it up to the light and you will see the outlines of a rubber stamp. "Victoria Regina," a fussy signature underneath. A civil servant's, no doubt, acting for the Crown. Bureaucrats versus lawmakers then; different corridors of power. Makes you wonder what's inside the letters. And whether Trout and Renfrew ever care to show and tell. I turn the boys away, in any case, ring the bell for lights-out. And in the morning the coaches arrive, all eleven of them, to carry fifty-eight upper-school boys to the train station. It's snowed again and the horses are steaming, and don't one of them shit just as old Swinburne goes walking past. Lovely smell that, fresh horse dung on snow. You want to bottle it and sell it to yer sweetheart. I watch them go, wrapped in my old blanket. One of the boys looks back at me all the way to the end of the driveway. He don't wave. Neither do I. When they're gone, I go inside, shovel some coals into the stove, put on a bone for soup. By the time it's cooked they'll be pulling in at Oxford. Excerpted from Smoke by Dan Vyleta All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.