Review by New York Times Review
I AM WELSH. I live in Wales, and I sometimes go down to Bath, Aquae Sulis, the ancient Roman spa city in the southwest of England. The modern town contains celebrated remains from the days when the Roman Empire annexed much of the island of Britain, suppressing the varied tribes of the place, and during my visits I have become familiar with a well-known sculpture from Roman times that has been adopted in reproduction as a sort of badge of today's municipality. It resembles the ferocious head of a Gorgon, one of the awful monsters of Latin legend, and you come across its reproductions everywhere in town. I always thought it a quintessentially Roman symbol of domination until I was recently informed that the "Gorgon" was not a Roman grotesque at all but a powerfully mustachioed Celtic deity. It was not an invader that was imaged there but a native - not a symbol of mythological dominance but a token of common experience. I have learned this, and much else, from Bronwen Riley's erudite and fascinating work concerning the Roman occupation of Britain. The shape of "The Edge of the Empire" is complex. It purports to reconstruct the journey, in A.D. 130, of a particular official, Sextus Julius Severus, from Rome to the island of Britain and on to the empire's remote northwestern frontier, just south of what is now the Scottish border. The editor of several scholarly guides to Roman relics in Britain, Riley has chosen a route that takes Julius Severus among many of the region's best-known sites, allowing her to tell us all about the experience of traveling through Britain in Roman times - what to pack, what to look out for, what to eat, what to read on the road (detailed tourist maps are available). She suggests one should take some smart clothes in case of posh dinner invitations. She warns us of possible dangers, Britain being full of brigands and hostile tribes, and she tells us the best places to stay (there are perfectly adequate official lodgings, mansiones, along the way). With her and Julius Severus we cross to the island (in a private cabin, of course) on a sail-and-oar-powered vessel from Gesoriacum (Boulogne) to Rutupiae (Richborough), where a gigantic memorial arch welcomes us ashore. And then we are away, to Londinium, of course; to Aquae Sulis; to Roman civic and military fulcra in what are now southern England, Cumbria and Wales. We travel through farmland and wasteland and cattle country, through several tribal territories, ending up at the ultimate frontier, the emperor Hadrian's defensive wall, still being built on the border of distant Caledonia. The whole experience is explored for us, from the food to the public entertainment, from the industries of the province (iron-working, shoemaking, brine extraction, the production of wool) to the illustrated route-planning papyrus cylinders that alert the traveler to the locations of inns, temples and spas. Much of it seems vestigially familiar to a traveler in Britain today. The modern motorways often follow Roman routes. Those planning cylinders sound much like sites on the Internet. The tourist industry was hard at it then, as now - the health-giving baths of Aquae Sulis drew Roman visitors, gastronomes relished British oysters, and even the fabled mysteries and menaces of the island, I dare say, tempted a few Adventure Tourists to cross the Oceanus Britannicus. Those of us who live in Britannia now, anyway, are never far from Roman reminders of one sort or another. Up the road from my home is the site of the very battle by which the legions exterminated the mystic druids of Mon. For myself, though, as a historian and late citizen of the British Empire rather than the Roman, it is when I travel among the overseas territories of the late Pax Britannica that the two dead empires seem to me most alike. I imagine Bronwen Riley's travel companion, Julius Severus, to have been not unlike some upper-class English functionary on his way to a distant imperial posting a century ago - cool, confident, well educated, well mannered, sometimes arrogant and perhaps rather too pleased with himself. He was probably welcomed along his route by hospitable colleagues and Romanized locals, just as his British successor very often met people he was at school with or native bigwigs of properly Anglophile tendencies. The welcoming mansiones of the one empire were the innumerable dak bungalows of the other, and if the bleak highlands surrounding Hadrian's Wall were the last frontiers of the Roman imperium, the fierce Northwest Frontier of Afghanistan was the allegorical rampart of the British Raj. Time and again, as I read "The Edge of the Empire," I recognized symptoms of my own British imperialism. Racism? Of course, it's inevitable between conquerors and conquered, but just as the Celtic warrior spirit found itself immortalized in that sculpture of Aquae Solis, so Sikh, Punjabi and Afghan fighters found their honored way into the mythology of Kipling's British Empire - as the poet himself put it, "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!" Many a Roman legionary settled in Britain with a local wife and family when his term of duty was done. And in the late days of the Pax Britannica, soldiers and functionaries of the Raj often preferred to end their days in the sunshine - "somewhere east of Suez" (Kipling again), "where the best is like the worst,/Where there aren't no Ten Commandments, an' a man can raise a thirst." They had much in common, after all, those two dominions. Both were based on greedy injustices of conquest, both were inevitably doomed, but both did good in their times too, and made many friends and converts among the conquered. Dear reader, if you live like me in some long liberated colony of one or the other, consult this fascinating volume for a guide not merely to its physical relics but to its meanings and its attitudes, which may perhaps be your own. If not, read the book anyway to find what your destiny has missed. JAN MORRIS is the author of some 40 books of travel, fiction, memoir and history, including the Pax Britannica trilogy.
Copyright (c) The New York Times Company [June 16, 2016]
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review
Riley, head of guidebooks at English Heritage, imagines a second-century C.E. travelogue based around Sextus Julius Severus's journey from Rome to Britain upon assuming his post as governor of Britannia in 130 C.E. Making clear that much is based on conjecture, Riley builds on documentary and archaeological evidence, and borrows relatable information from other areas of the empire or adjacent time periods in Britannia to provide a logically plausible scenario. She begins with a sketch of the Eternal City itself, moving northward across Gaul to Britannia and taking time along the journey to describe various aspects of life for a Roman citizen of the time. Once in Britain, Riley follows the course that Severus might have taken on his first tour of the province, giving precise distances between stops as well as including known features of each settlement and both Roman and modern names. A postscript delivers a further brief history of Britain under Roman rule and an idea of what a modern visitor might see at the various sites. There are maps and diagrams scattered throughout that help to bring this journey to life. Riley gives readers a reasonable snapshot of life as it might have been in second-century Britain. (May) © Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.
Review by Library Journal Review
Imagine you are a newly appointed provincial governor to the distant and rainy island of Britannia, there to represent Roman emperor Hadrian. How do you arrive? What cities do you tour, and what are the most important activities? This thought experiment underpins Riley's (editor, English Heritage Red Guides) journey of Roman-occupied Britain. She focuses on the era of Hadrian (r. 117-38 CE), in particular the eponymous Wall bordering Caledonia. As a journalist and heritage guide editor rather than a scholar, the author's approach is with an eye to engagement as opposed to historical accuracy. To ensure a smooth narrative as her real-life governor Julius Severus travels around Britannia, the author makes choices based on the existing evidence, with footnotes and copious endnotes to justify her reasoning. This takes readers to second-century Britannia more effectively than a traditional chronicle and serves as a guide to destinations in modern Britain. VERDICT Roman history and British history readers will relish this entertaining study of Britannia; travel fans will find this unusual take on the genre appealing as well.-Margaret Heller, Loyola Univ. Chicago Libs. © Copyright 2016. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
Review by Kirkus Book Review
A delightful trip from Rome to Hadrian's Wallin C.E. 130. On the surface, the book shouldn't be that interesting: descriptions of roads long gone, cities renamed, and modes of transportation gladly forgotten. Still, classics scholar and guidebook author Riley (Great Yarmouth Row Houses and Greyfriars' Cloister, 2011, etc.) has an impressive gift for travelogue. She tells the story of Sextus Julius Severus, the new governor of Britain, an imperial province as opposed to a mere senatorial one. Riley's descriptions of the roads along her journey will make readers want to visit for themselves. At the mouth of the Tiber River is Portus Ostientis, built by Claudius to hold 400 ships, even the enormous grain ships from Alexandria. A quick sail to Narbonne and passage through one of the three Gauls proves to be a fairly comfortable trek with good roads and hotels. The author deftly tells of alternate routesand their advantages and problemsto Oceanus, an "immeasurable expanse of sea full of monsters and unfathomable tides at the ends of the earth"now known as the English Channel. In London, the author takes off on a remarkable story of the towns and roads of Britain in the year 130. The maps and descriptions of the route through London, Bath, Wales, and north to the wall are informative, scholarly, and colorful. Along the way, Riley also discusses the druids, curious offerings to the gods, curse tablets, Roman baths, and other archaeological findings. Of course, the tale of Hadrian's Wall could make a book on its own, but the author has higher ambitions, and she achieves them in this successful evocation of "a journey to Britain in the Roman period." Great fun for anyone with even a slight knowledge of Roman and English history and geographyor those curious about them. Copyright Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.