Introduction: Why grow medicinal herbs in your backyard
History of Herbal Medicine: Plants used as medicine throughout the ages
Meet The Plants: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies
The 12 Cultivated Herbs
The 12 Wild Herbs
Cultivating the Medicinal Garden: Design, location, choosing the herbs to grow, planting, and maintenance
Implementing the Medicinal Herb Garden
Testing, Soil Types, and Amending Your Soil
Plan tins; Your Garden
Urban Medicinal Gardening: Crowing in small spaces, containers, windowsills, and on rooftops
From Harvest to Storage: When to harvest, how to harvest, drying methods, and storage
Simple Herbal Medicines & Home Remedies: How to make teas (infusions and decoctions), syrups, tinctures, powders (capsules, pills and poultices), oils, salves, dream pillows, and baths