The Ecopoetry anthology

Book - 2013

"An anthology of American poetry about nature and the environment, divided into a historical section with poetry written from roughly the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century and a contemporary section with over 300 poems written since 1960 by a diverse group of more than 170 poets. Introduction by Robert Hass"--Provided by publisher.

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2nd Floor 811.008/Ecopoetry Checked In
San Antonio, Texas : Trinity University Press 2013
Other Authors
Ann W. Fisher-Wirth (editor of compilation), Laura-Gray Street
Physical Description
lxv, 628 pages ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references.
  • From Song of Myself / Walt Whitman
  • Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking / Walt Whitman
  • Crossing Brooklyn Ferry / Walt Whitman
  • #116/328 / Emily Dickinson
  • #126/348 / Emily Dickinson
  • #184/465 / Emily Dickinson
  • #209/520 / Emily Dickinson
  • #498/1400 / Emily Dickinson
  • #537/1593 / Emily Dickinson
  • An Old Man's Winter Night / Robert Frost
  • The Need of Being Versed in Country Things / Robert Frost
  • Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening / Robert Frost
  • Spring Pools / Robert Frost
  • Design / Robert Frost
  • The Most of It / Robert Frost
  • Directive / Robert Frost
  • Sunday Morning / Wallace Stevens
  • Anecdote of the Jar / Wallace Stevens
  • The Snow Man / Wallace Stevens
  • The River of Rivers in Connecticut / Wallace Stevens
  • Spring and All / William Carlos Williams
  • The Sea-Elephant / William Carlos Williams
  • Between Walls / William Carlos Williams
  • Raleigh Was Right / William Carlos Williams
  • The High Bridge above the Tagus River at Toledo / William Carlos Williams
  • The Tree / Ezra Pound
  • Salutation / Ezra Pound
  • Ancient Music / Ezra Pound
  • from Canto LXXXI / Ezra Pound
  • Oread / H.D.
  • Sea Iris / H.D.
  • The Pool / H.D.
  • Shine, Perishing Republic / Robinson Jeffers
  • Hurt Hawks / Robinson Jeffers
  • The Purse-Seine / Robinson Jeffers
  • Carmel Point / Robinson Jeffers
  • The Deer Lay Down Their Bones / Robinson Jeffers
  • The Fish / Marianne Moore
  • A Grave / Marianne Moore
  • The Paper Nautilus / Marianne Moore
  • from The Waste Land / T.S. Eliot
  • I. The Burial of the Dead / T.S. Eliot
  • III. The Fire Sermon / T.S. Eliot
  • Me up at does / e.e. cummings
  • Reapers / Jean Toomer
  • November Cotton Flower / Jean Toomer
  • Metropolitan Nightmare / Stephen Vincent Benét
  • Repose of Rivers / Hart Crane
  • from The Bridge / Hart Crane
  • To Brooklyn Bridge / Hart Crane
  • The River / Hart Crane
  • Riverbank Blues / Sterling A. Brown
  • The Negro Speaks of Rivers / Langston Hughes
  • Daybreak in Alabama / Langston Hughes
  • (untitled) / Lorine Niedecker
  • from Paean to Place / Lorine Niedecker
  • Toward an Organic Philosophy / Kenneth Rexroth
  • Lute Music / Kenneth Rexroth
  • Lyell's Hypothesis Again / Kenneth Rexroth
  • Andrée Rexroth / Kenneth Rexroth
  • from North American Sequence / Theodore Roethke
  • Meditation at Oyster River / Theodore Roethke
  • Eclogue / George Oppen
  • California / George Oppen
  • Psalm / George Oppen
  • The Occurrences / George Oppen
  • The Kingfishers / Charles Olson
  • West Gloucester / Charles Olson
  • At the Fishhouses / Elizabeth Bishop
  • The Moose / Elizabeth Bishop
  • San Joaquin / William Everson
  • Clouds / William Everson
  • The Night-Blooming Cereus / Robert Hayden
  • from The Book of the Dead / Muriel Rukeyser
  • Alloy / Muriel Rukeyser
  • The Dam / Muriel Rukeyser
  • Traveling through the Dark / William Stafford
  • At the Bomb Testing Site / William Stafford
  • Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow / Robert Duncan
  • Poetry, a Natural Thing / Robert Duncan
  • A Little Language / Robert Duncan
  • Santa Fe Trail / Barbara Guest
  • The Heaven of Animals / James Dickey
  • O Taste and See / Denise Levertov
  • Souvenir d'amitié / Denise Levertov
  • The Past III / Denise Levertov
  • Haze / James Schuyler
  • Corsons Inlet / A.R. Ammons
  • Gravelly Run / A.R. Ammons
  • from Garbage / A.R. Ammons
  • Snowshoe Hare / Karen Leona Anderson
  • Gone feral: minor gestures / Christopher Arigo
  • Thing / Rae Armantrout
  • Natural History / Rae Armantrout
  • Dusk / Rae Armantrout
  • Into the Dusk-Charged Air / John Ashbery
  • For John Clare / John Ashbery
  • Alcove / John Ashbery
  • River of the Canoefish / John Ashbery
  • As Children Know / Jimmy Santiago Baca
  • The Place Poem: Sparrow's Point / Juliana Baggott
  • Living Where They Raised Me / Juliana Baggott
  • Birdsong from My Patio / Ellen Bass
  • The Big Picture / Ellen Bass
  • Arcadian / Dan Beachy-Quick
  • Wawaskwanmiinan / Lois Beardslee
  • Unit of Measure / Sandra Beasley
  • The Book of the Dead Man (Fungi) / Marvin Bell
  • Aspens / Dan Bellm
  • After the End After the Beginning / Margo Berdeshevsky
  • Horses / Wendell Berry
  • Water / Wendell Berry
  • The Hidden Singer / Wendell Berry
  • The Peace of Wild Things / Wendell Berry
  • To the Unseeable Animal / Wendell Berry
  • The Star Field / Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
  • from A Context of a Wave / Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
  • April / Linda Bierds
  • 21st Century Lecture / Ralph Black
  • The Dead Seal / Robert Bly
  • Birdsong, face it, some male machine / Marianne Boruch
  • It includes the butterfly and the rat, the shit / Marianne Boruch
  • The Rapture of Bees / Annie Boutelle
  • Multi-Use Area / Elizabeth Bradfield
  • Legacy / Elizabeth Bradfield
  • from Mermaid's Purse / Laynie Browne
  • Outside Fairbanks / Derick Burleson
  • Down from the Houses of Magic / Cyrus Cassells
  • A Field of Finches without Sight Still Singing / Grace Cavalieri
  • Freeway 280 / Lorna Dee Cervantes
  • Emplumada / Lorna Dee Cervantes
  • Genealogy / Jennifer Chang
  • Out with the Monarch, the Vole, and the Toad / Patricia Clark
  • The earth is a living thing / Lucille Clifton
  • The beginning of the end of the world / Lucille Clifton
  • Grief / Lucille Clifton
  • Defending my tongue / Lucille Clifton
  • The killing of the trees / Lucille Clifton
  • Green Shade / Henri Cole
  • Ruddy Duck / Jack Collom
  • Ecology / Jack Collom
  • m(other) tongue / Julia Connor
  • from Canto for the Birds / Julia Connor
  • Still: Environment / Matthew Cooperman
  • The Rain in Maine / Stephen Cushman
  • Genocide, Again / Kwame Dawes
  • Specimens Collected at the Clear Cut / Alison Hawthorne Deming
  • Damascus / Deborah Digges
  • House Sparrow at Skara Brae / Elizabeth Dodd
  • For I Will Consider the Overlooked Dragonfly / Sharon Dolin
  • On the rocks / Camille T. Dungy
  • The Blue / Camille T. Dungy
  • Pastoral and Gigue / Rachel Blau DuPlessis
  • Praxilla's Silliness / Rachel Blau DuPlessis
  • I Like Green Things / Tim Earley
  • September 21 65 / Larry Eigner
  • June 17 68 / Larry Eigner
  • May 3 71 / Larry Eigner
  • [trees green the quiet sun] / Larry Eigner
  • The Strange People / Louise Erdrich
  • The Red Sleep of Beasts / Louise Erdrich
  • Maize / B.H. Fairchild
  • West Texas / B.H. Fairchild
  • Should the Fox Come Again to My Cabin in the Snow / Patricia Fargnoli
  • Then / Patricia Fargnoli
  • Watching the Oregon Whale / Annie Finch
  • Elegy / Jessica Fisher
  • from Dream Cabinet / Ann Fisher-Wirth
  • Out of the Field / Lisa Fishman
  • Plume / Kathleen Flenniken
  • Green Run / Kathleen Flenniken
  • The Museum of Stones / Carolyn Forché
  • Morning on the Island / Carolyn Forché
  • The St. Louis Zoo / Carol Frost
  • Árbol / Juan Carlos Galeano
  • Historia / Juan Carlos Galeano
  • An Intermission / Brendan Galvin
  • Three Sonnets / James Galvin
  • They Haven't Heard the West Is Over / James Galvin
  • Cartography / James Galvin
  • Field Guide to Southern Virginia / Forrest Gander
  • from Of Sum / Forrest Gander
  • from Giscome Road / C.S. Giscombe
  • Human Memory Is Organic / Peter Gizzi
  • Scilla / Louise Glück
  • Witchgrass / Louise Glück
  • Rattlesnakes Hammered on the Wall / Ray Gonzalez
  • Millennial Spring / Charles Goodrich
  • Evolution / Jorie Graham
  • Sea Change / Jorie Graham
  • The Cranes / Michael Gregory
  • Goldeye, Vole / Tami Haaland
  • If the Owl Calls Again / John Haines
  • Digging / Donald Hall
  • from She Had Some Horses / Joy Harjo
  • My House Is the Red Earth / Joy Harjo
  • Eagle Poem / Joy Harjo
  • The Sandhill Cranes / Lola Haskins
  • Prayer for the Everglades / Lola Haskins
  • Palo Alto: The Marshes / Robert Hass
  • Ezra Pound's Proposition / Robert Hass
  • Exit, Pursued by a Sierra Meadow / Robert Hass
  • State of the Planet / Robert Hass
  • Submersible / Brooks Haxton
  • After My Daughter's Birth, a Late Night Self-Portrait with a Running Mare / Chris Hayes
  • Dust: Dad's Days / Allison Hedge Coke
  • The Swamp / William Heyen
  • Blackbird Spring / William Heyen
  • Practical Water / Brenda Hillman
  • Request to the Berkeley City Council Concerning Strawberry Creek / Brenda Hillman
  • A Violet in the Crucible / Brenda Hillman
  • To Spirits of Fire after Harvest / Brenda Hillman
  • The Supple Deer / Jane Hirshfield
  • Three Foxes by the Edge of the Field at Twilight / Jane Hirshfield
  • Articulation: An Assay / Jane Hirshfield
  • Optimism / Jane Hirshfield
  • Inflection Finally Ungraspable by Grammar / Jane Hirshfield
  • Speed and Perfection / Jane Hirshfield
  • For the Lobaria, Usnea, Witches' Hair, Map Lichen, Beard Lichen, Ground Lichen, Shield Lichen / Jane Hirshfield
  • The Last Crows Whose Cries Are Audible Here / H.L. Hix
  • Romantic Moment / Tony Hoagland
  • Wild / Tony Hoagland
  • Cove / Richard Hoffman
  • Turtle Watchers / Linda Hogan
  • Moving the Woodpile / Linda Hogan
  • Fluff / Cynthia Hogue
  • Skykomish River Running / Richard Hugo
  • Ziggurats there aren't here, my Sweethearts / Luisa A. Igloria
  • [earthearthearth] / Ronald Johnson
  • from Spring / Ronald Johnson
  • 4 Emanations / Ronald Johnson
  • 5 April 13th / Ronald Johnson
  • from Summer / Ronald Johnson
  • What the Earth Told Me / Ronald Johnson
  • 'Unless the Humming of a Gnat Is as the Music of the Spheres / Ronald Johnson
  • The Assault on the Fields / Rodney Jones
  • Long Drop to Black Water / Judy Jordan
  • from Dream of the End / Judy Jordan
  • The Leaving / Brigit Pegeen Kelly
  • Blessed Is the Field / Brigit Pegeen Kelly
  • Windfall / Brigit Pegeen Kelly
  • The Bear / Galway Kinnell
  • Daybreak / Galway Kinnell
  • Burning the Brush Pile / Galway Kinnell
  • The Millpond / Yusef Komunyakaa
  • Blackberries / Yusef Komunyakaa
  • Dream Animal / Yusef Komunyakaa
  • Blessing the Animals / Yusef Komunyakaa
  • Flying at Night / Ted Kooser
  • Grasshoppers / Ted Kooser
  • The Whole Hog / Maxine Kumin
  • The Wellfleet Whale / Stanley Kunitz
  • The Orgasms of Organisms / Dorianne Laux
  • Life Is Beautiful / Dorianne Laux
Review by Booklist Review

Award-winning poets and editors Fisher-Wirth and Street define ecopoetry as poetry that responds in some way to the burgeoning environmental crisis. By making the distinction between traditional nature poetry and ecopoetry, this groundbreaking anthology joins Bill McKibben's prose collection, American Earth (2008), which establishes the shift from traditional nature writing to environmental writing. Fisher-Wirth and Street begin with 31 historical poets (e.g., Whitman, Dickinson, Frost, Hughes) who explored the human-nature bond prior to the environmental movement. The 176 poets who follow, including such vital guardians as Wendell Berry, Lucille Clifton, Robert Hass, Mary Oliver, and Gary Snyder, along with Dan Beachy-Quick, Lucia Perillo, Srikanth Reddy, and Ed Roberson, explode any notion of a simplistic green message. Imagination, emotions, and convictions run high as each poem recalibrates our perception of life on earth. There is no anticipating the glorious spectrum of voices, settings, knowledge, wit, fury, and beauty. Poets draw from the wellsprings of spirit and science, everyday reality and mythic revelations. Ravishing, devastating, and uplifting, this is a mighty, conscionable, and defining anthology of vital poetry shaped by profound environmental intelligence.--Seaman, Donna Copyright 2010 Booklist

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.