Review by Booklist Review
Bolstered by a successful movie adaptation and Millar's talent for pushing the frontiers of superhero comics with bloody irreverence, the tale of a fanboy becoming a homemade superhero has spawned a sequel. As Kick-Ass' mission inspires a community of similarly custom-crafted heroes, the Red Mist returns with a hideous revenge and plans to tear down the city, which fans of this summer's Dark Knight Rises movie will find nihilistically familiar. Millar has left far behind the demented novelty of seeing an 11-year-old curse like a construction worker while dismembering mobsters and tumbled headlong into unapologetic apocalyptic carnage, as with the graphic murder of young children and the gang-rape of a teenage girl. His ear for dialogue and sharp eye for the nuances of contemporary culture as well as Romita's artistic dynamism and flawlessly clean visual style make it all burn that much more painfully. Impossible to truly recommend, but given the talent on display, readers of hard-core adult comics deserve to determine the moral implications for themselves.--Karp, Jesse Copyright 2010 Booklist
From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.