The mother of all pregnancy books
Book - 2012
Arming expectant parents with all the information they need to know about conception, birth and everything in between, this entertaining guide, based on the best advice from over 100 parents and a panel of experts, has been completely revised and updated to celebrate its 10th anniversary.
Saved in:
- Subjects
- Published
Hoboken, NJ :
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Edition
- Second edition
- Item Description
- Previous edition: New York: Hungry Minds, 2002.
- Physical Description
- xv, 575 pages : portrait ; 22 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 9781118266779
- Medical Disclaimer
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Chapter 1. Are You Really Ready to Have a Baby?
- A Question of Timing
- What it really costs to raise children
- Career considerations
- The age issue
- A Baby? Maybe... Protecting Your Fertility
- Now or never? The health wild card
- I get so emotional, baby
- The Truth About Baby Fever: Not Everyone Catches It
- When you and your partner don't agree
- When Mother Nature has other plans
- Chapter 2. Your Pre-Game Plan
- Training For the Big Event
- Watch your weight-but not too carefully
- Do a nutrient check
- Kick your smoking habit
- Pass on that glass of wine
- Just say no to drugs
- Kick your coffee habit
- Don't douche
- Keep your stress level down
- Delegate the dirty work
- Watch out for workplace hazards
- Dad's the word: More reproductive health issues for fathers-to-be
- Your Pre-Conception Checkup: The Insider's Guide
- Chapter 3. Sperm, Meet Egg
- The Numbers Game
- The Science of Conception
- A tale of two phases
- The sperm connection
- What you can do to increase your odds of conceiving quickly
- Know thy cycle
- Make love on the right days
- Have unbelievably great sex
- Don't get too much of a good thing
- Create a "sperm-friendly" vaginal environment
- Chapter 4. Missed Conceptions
- Do You Have a Fertility Problem?
- The infertility workup
- The Major Causes of Infertility
- The Brave New World of Assisted Reproduction
- Damned lies and statistics
- Reading between the lines
- Riding the Infertility Roller Coaster
- If You Don't Manage to Conceive
- If You Do Manage to Conceive
- Chapter 5. Winning at Baby Roulette
- A Little Bit Pregnant
- Testing, one, two, three ...
- How you may feel about being pregnant
- Sharing your news with the world
- Sharing your news at work
- Choosing the right caregiver
- Hospital, birth center, or home birth?
- Your First Prenatal Checkup
- What your due date really means
- Early Pregnancy Worries
- I'm worried that I'll experience a miscarriage
- I don't feel pregnant anymore
- Chapter 6. Operation Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby
- The No-Worry Guide to Eating During Pregnancy
- The basics
- Dietary fiber
- Fruits and vegetables
- Healthy fats
- Meals and snacks that will go the distance
- Water
- The big five: the nutrients you need most during pregnancy
- The supporting cast: other key nutrients
- Vegetarian and vegan diets
- Not wanted at the dinner table: avoiding food-borne illness
- Your Pregnancy Gain Plan
- Wrapping your head around the idea of gaining weight
- New pregnancy weight-gain recommendations
- Too much of a good thing
- The best-laid plans
- Gaining too little
- Work It, Baby: Prenatal Fitness
- Quitting Time: Smoking, Drinking, and Drugs
- Smoking
- Drinking
- Drugs
- Sleeping for Two
- Sleep and health
- (Don't Get Too) Stressed About Stress
- Depression during pregnancy
- Staying Healthy During Pregnancy
- Take steps to avoid illness
- Other steps to staying healthy
- Staying Safe at Home
- Medications
- Herbal products
- Toxins
- Diseases carried by pets and other animals
- Accidents and falls
- Domestic violence
- Staying Healthy at Work
- Chapter 7. The Pregnancy Road Map
- The Complaint Department
- What's normal and what's not
- Pregnancy Complaints From A to Z
- Abdominal muscle separation
- Acne
- Backache
- Bell-button soreness
- Bleeding gums
- Bleeding and spotting, vaginal
- Braxton Hicks contractions
- Breast tenderness and enlargement
- Breathlessness
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Constipation
- Cramping
- Cravings
- Ear changes
- Eye changes
- Faintness and dizziness
- Fatigue
- Food aversions
- Gassiness and bloating
- Headaches
- Heartburn (a.k.a. reflux)
- Hernia, hiatal
- Hemorrhoids
- Hip soreness
- Insomnia
- Itchiness (abdominal)
- Laryngitis, pregnancy-induced, and voice changes
- Leg cramps
- Morning sickness (a.k.a. nausea and vomiting of pregnancy)
- Nasal changes
- Perineal aching
- Pubic-bone pain (osteitis pubis)
- Rashes
- Restless leg syndrome (rls)
- Round ligament pain
- Saliva, excessive (ptyalism)
- Sciatica
- Skin changes
- Smell, heightened sense of
- Stretch marks
- Sweating
- Swelling and fluid retention
- Thirstiness
- Urinary incontinence
- Urination, increased frequency of
- Vagina, changes to the
- Vaginal secretions, increased
- Varicose veins
- Weepiness
- Yeast infections
- Chapter 8. Your Incredible Growing Baby
- The First Trimester: The Beginnings of Life, and the Start of a Whole New Way of Life
- Pre-embryonic stage: The first three weeks of development
- Embryonic stage: Your baby begins to develop human characteristics
- Fetal stage: Your baby's body systems mature
- The second trimester: Goodbye nausea, hello maternity jeans
- The third trimester: Your incredible growing belly
- Chapter 9. This is Your (Soon-To-Be) Life
- Decisions, Decisions...
- Pregnant and chic
- Prenatal classes: Who needs them?
- Umbilical cord blood banking
- The circumcision decision
- Deciding to breastfeed
- The name game
- Planning for your maternity leave
- Planning your "babymoon"
- Other Things You Can Do to Make the Early Weeks Less Stressful
- Put your support team in place
- Consider hiring a postpartum doula
- Stock your home with healthy, easy-to-prepare foods
- Keep on top of chores on the home front
- Get the rest of your life in order
- Sex and Relationships: Top Worries
- Sex during pregnancy
- The last hurrah
- Oops, we did it again...
- The stuff of which pregnancy nightmares are made
- Chapter 10. When Pregnancy Isn't Perfect
- To Test or Not to Test?
- What prenatal testing can-and can't-tell you
- Is prenatal genetic testing the right choice for you?
- Screening tests versus diagnostic tests
- What to do if the test brings bad news
- What Does the Term "High-Risk Pregnancy" Really Mean?
- The Unique Challenges of a Multiple Pregnancy
- Preterm Labor
- Possible health problems
- Risk factors
- Prevention
- Welcoming a premature baby or a baby with special needs
- When A Baby Dies
- What can go wrong
- Miscarriage
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Molar pregnancy
- Stillbirth
- Intrapartum death
- Neonatal and infant death
- Grieving the Loss of Your Baby
- Preparing for Another Pregnancy
- Chapter 11. Labor Day
- Eight Months and Counting
- Pre-labor symptoms
- Decision Time
- Pre-birth planning
- Why doulas are a mom's best friend
- Writing a birth plan
- What's up down there?
- Pain relief during labor
- The Top Labor-Related Worries
- Going Overdue
- Is my baby at risk?
- To induce or not to induce?
- What to expect during an induction
- What Labor is Really Like
- The three stages of labor
- What other mothers want you to know
- The great cesarean debate
- Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)
- How you may feel about meeting your baby
- Parting words
- Appendix A. Glossary
- Appendix B. Planning for Your Birth
- Birth Wishes
- Personal information
- About your labor support team
- Labor environment
- Choices about the labor
- Laboring positions
- Pain relief
- Induction/augmentation of labor
- Delivery
- After the birth
- Cesarean section
- Circumcision
- Length of stay (if you're having a hospital birth)
- Birthing philosophies
- Appendix C. Emergency Childbirth Procedures
- Emergency childbirth supplies to have on hand
- How to deliver your baby if you're alone and without assistance
- How to assist a woman who's about to give birth
- Appendix D. Online Resources
- Appendix E. Prenatal Record
- Index
- About the Author