Preparing for effective communication. The Big Brain and the Little Brain ; Why moments matter ; Moments create legacies--good or bad ; The circle of influences ; Under the influences ; The biggest influence on you is you
Encountering the moment. An encounter--the opening act ; Big Brain and Little Brain in the moment ; Every conversation is an opportunity ; The paradox of communication tools ; Managing multiple moments--the social media effect ; Attack of the Little Brain--what you can do ; Big Brain and Little Brain--the perpetual race ; Finishing the encounter ; What legacies are you creating?
Recognizing the opportunities in the moment. Awareness ; Tone ; Words ; Control ; Time ; Responsibility ; Power ; Your legacy bank and baggage
Applying the seven principles of Big Brain communication. The first principle: stay aware of the legacy of the moment ; The second principle: keep your Big Brain in control ; The third principle: choose the correct tone ; The fourth principle: choose the correct words ; The fifth principle: choose the right time ; The sixth principle: accept responsibility ; The seventh principle: use power wisely.