- Subjects
- Published
Ithaca, N.Y. :
Comstock/Cornell University Press
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Physical Description
- xv, 374 pages : color illustrations, maps ; 23 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 9780801474583
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Ferns
- Dryopteridaceae (Woodfern Family)
- Dennstaedtiaceae (Brackenfern Family)
- Horsetails
- Equisetaceae (Horsetail Family)
- Conifers
- Taxaceae (Yew Family)
- Woody Dicots
- Aceraceae (Maple Family)
- Anacardiaceae (Cashew Family)
- Berberidaceae (Barberry Family)
- Betulaceae (Birch Family)
- Bignoniaceae (Trumpet Creeper Family)
- Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family)
- Celastraceae (Stafftree Family)
- Elaeagnaceae (Oleaster Family)
- Fabaceae = Leguminosae (Pea Family)
- Fagaceae (Beech Family)
- Moraceae (Mulberry Family)
- Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn Family)
- Rosaceae (Rose Family)
- Rutaceae (Rue Family)
- Salicaceae (Willow Family)
- Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)
- Simaroubaceae (Quassia Family)
- Solanaceae (Nightshade Family)
- Ulmaceae (Elm Family)
- Vitaceae (Grape Family)
- Herbaceous Dicots
- Aizoaceae (Carpetweed Family)
- Amaranthaceae (Amaranth Family)
- Apiaceae = Umbelliferae (Carrot Family)
- Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family)
- Asteraceae = Compositae (Aster Family)
- Balsaminaceae (Touch-me-not Family)
- Brassicaceae = Cruciferae (Mustard Family)
- Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family)
- Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family)
- Clusiaceae (Mangosteen Family)
- Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory Family)
- Cucurbitaceae (Gourd Family)
- Euphorbiaceae (Spurge Family)
- Fabaceae = Leguminosae (Pea Family)
- Lamiaceae = Labiatae (Mint Family)
- Lythraceae (Loosestrife Family)
- Malvaceae (Mallow Family)
- Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family)
- Oxalidaceae (Woodsorrel Family)
- Papaveraceae (Poppy Family)
- Phytolaccaceae (Pokeweed Family)
- Plantaginaceae (Plantain Family)
- Polygonaceae (Smartweed Family)
- Portulacaceae (Purslane Family)
- Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)
- Rosaceae (Rose Family)
- Rubiaceae (Madder Family)
- Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)
- Solanaceae (Nightshade Family)
- Cannabaceae (Hemp Family)
- Urticaceae (Nettle Family)
- Violaceae (Violet Family)
- Monocots
- Commelinaceae (Spiderwort Family)
- Cyperaceae (Sedge Family)
- Iridaceae (Iris Family)
- Juncaceae (Rush Family)
- Liliaceae (Lily Family)
- Poaceae = Gramineae (Grass Family)
- Typhaceae (Cattail Family)
- Appendices
- 1. Plants Covered in This Book That Are Included in Dioscorides' De Materia Medica
- 2. European Plants Listed by Josselyn as Growing Spontaneously in New England in the Seventeenth Century
- 3. Shade-Tolerance Ratings of the 32 Trees Covered in This Book
- 4. Species Suitable for a Cosmopolitan Urban Meadow
- 5. Key Characteristics of Important Plant Families
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Index