- Subjects
- Published
Nashville :
Thomas Nelson
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- Physical Description
- xiv, 321 pages ; 21 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references.
- 9781595552051
- A fixture of the times: an introduction to G. K. Chesterton
- The quotable Chesterton from A to Z : Reasons for his hope: Chesterton the apologist
- The father of Father Brown: Chesterton as a mystery writer
- Wielder of the facile pen: Chesterton the essayist
- Radio dramatization: Mr. Welles and Mr. Chesterton
- The Edwardian Dr. Johnson: Chesterton as a man of letters
- Always a journalist, always a jester: Chesterton the journalist
- A writer's true calling: Chesterton the literary critic
- Unconventional: Chesterton the novelist
- A lover of wisdom: Chesterton the philosopher
- The singer of The white horse: Chesterton the poet.