Spies of the Balkans

Alan Furst

Book - 2010

As war approaches northern Greece, the spies begin to circle--from the Turkish legation to the German secret service. In the ancient port of Salonika, Costa Zannis, a senior police official, head of an office that handles special "political" cases, risks everything to secure an escape route for those hunted by the Gestapo.

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FICTION/Furst, Alan
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1st Floor FICTION/Furst, Alan Checked In
New York : Random House 2010.
Main Author
Alan Furst (-)
1st ed
Physical Description
268 p. : map ; 25 cm
Contents unavailable.
Review by New York Times Review

SINCE the publication of "Night Soldiers" in 1988, Alan Furst has made a considerable reputation as a writer of historical spy thrillers. These are set in that fraught period of European history starting in 1933, with Hitler's rise to power, and ending in 1945. Though Furst is a native New Yorker, he lives some of the time in Paris and has adopted a European sensibility - perhaps aiming to evoke the atmosphere of his books, which have been compared to the works of John le Carré and Graham Greene. His latest, "Spies of the Balkans," is set in the winter of 1940-41 in Salonika, in northern Greece. Greece is threatened by the Axis powers; the Greeks have driven the none-too-fervent Italians back over the mountains toward Albania but believe Hitler will soon exact retribution. Salonika is a louche and exotic port full of brothels, bars, international trade and Byzantine intrigue. In its sleepy police department is Constantine Zannis, called Costa, whose qualities of tact, bravery, honesty and charm have ensured him a special position as a fixer. He sorts out indiscretions by politicians' children, supplies travel papers and keeps tabs on foreign security services. Lately he has taken to helping Jewish refugees from Berlin complete the increasingly difficult route to safety. Furst's books usually contain some old-world sex scenes, and "Spies of the Balkans" follows suit. A ladies' man, Costa is involved with a British agent who has the improbable name Roxanne. Another British agent describes a "smashing" woman with "big bosoms," then "indicates the magnitude of her bosoms with cupped hands." I don't remember this sort of thing in Graham Greene. Indeed, the Britons in the book are poorly served. Furst appears to have no idea how they talked. In just one of many examples, he has a Briton using "smart" to mean intelligent, when in Britain "smart" means well dressed. I raise this not out of chauvinism but because a casual acquaintance with any British wartime novels or films would have revealed how real Britons generally talked. This sort of thing raises doubts about Furst's understanding of context and the depth of his research. So too do his details: a Gestapo chief smokes expensive cigars and has an expensive overcoat. Refugees from Berlin eat "liverwurst." Costa falls for Demetria, whose face "was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen." The cumulative effect of this banality is dispiriting. Furst's history is thoroughly documented, but his research sometimes pokes too evidently through, as when a character broods about "the lightning attack known as blitzkrieg." And there is a dutiful checking off of historically appropriate props, like Papastratos No. 1 cigarettes ("top of the line in Greece"), ouzo and dolma, "an oily, stuffed grape leaf." The "eggplant spread" is tasty, and octopus hangs in the taverna on display. Costa seems to need at least a helping of octopus every day. In one scene, half a page after eating grilled octopus (again), he travels in a "grilled elevator," and for a moment I thought something Dalf-esque was going on. Thrillers require plot above all else, which makes it all too easy for them to avoid heroes with any depth or believability. The genre makes a point of satisfying readers' expectations. In other words, thrillers are by their nature anti-literary, because literature is about, among other things, ambiguity. And as it happens, Furst is a master of plot; the story moves neatly and inexorably to its climax, as Costa, his family and friends leave Salonika, already under bombardment, for a new life. It is this mastery that explains Furst's success. Justin Cartwright's novels include "The Song Before It Is Sung" and, most recently, "To Heaven by Water."

Copyright (c) The New York Times Company [August 29, 2010]
Review by Booklist Review

*Starred Review* Furst's early WWII espionage novels The World at Night (1996) and Red Gold (1999) took place in Paris during the Occupation, but lately he has moved earlier in time, to the war's beginnings, when spies of all stripes, official and unofficial, were gathering information and securing alliances for the conflagration to come. He has also moved to the edges of the European theater, to Poland in Spies of Warsaw (2008) and now to Greece and the Balkans. When this story begins, Greece is at war with Italy, and Costa Zannis, a policeman in the northern Greek port city of Salonika, recently injured in battle, has reported back for duty at his old job. Spies English, Turkish, Bulgarian are swarming the city, as everyone awaits the Nazi response to the Greek victories over the Italians. Inevitably, Zannis becomes involved in the intrigue, helping to ferry German Jews from Berlin through Greece to neutral Turkey. And, just as inevitably, he falls in love Furst has always excelled at portraying the way passion blooms while storms gather. There is nothing especially new about this entry in the Furst canon, but the Balkan setting adds another element of tension, as the oft-invaded region faces yet another onslaught. And, once again, Furst captures in brilliant high-definition the roiling, contradictory emotions that flare when in wartime. When somebody takes your country, you help them or you fight them, Zannis' friend, Pavlic, a patriot from Zagreb, says. Yes, but Zannis is equally driven by desires to protect his family and claim a separate peace for himself and his lover. On that delicate psychological fault line, Furst has carved a fabulous career.--Ott, Bill Copyright 2010 Booklist

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

Set in Greece in 1940, this powerful WWII thriller from Furst (The Spies of Warsaw) focuses on Costa Zannis, a senior Salonika police official known for his honesty and ability to settle matters "before they got out of hand." As the Nazis' intentions for Europe's Jews becomes clear, Zannis goes out of his way to aid refugees seeking to escape Germany. When Mussolini's troops invade Greece, Zannis joins the army, where he meets Capt. Marko Pavlic, who as a policeman in Zagreb investigated crimes committed by the Ustashi, Croatian fascists. With their similar politics, Zannis and Pavlic soon become friends and allies. Subtle details foreshadow the coming crimes perpetrated by the Nazis in the Balkans. For example, Zannis learns from a colleague that someone has been taking photos of the contents of a synagogue so that the Germans can more easily identify what to plunder. Furst fans will welcome seeing more books set in less familiar parts of Europe. (June) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved

(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved
Review by Library Journal Review

Furst's strength is his consistency; the dude can really evoke an atmosphere, can describe-really intimately-a situation or an encounter that can only have happened, like, 60 years ago. I don't think of myself as a reader of historical fiction, but I like spy stories, a compelling narrative, World War II plots with the clear good guy/bad guy dynamic, and literate detail. So I like Furst, who makes it easy for me to consider the un-American view, and if there's anything I like, it's a little not-American now and then. These Night Soldiers books are populated with lots of not-Americans, from French cinematographers to Italian journalists to Hungarian ad men. Furst's oeuvre has enough of the familiar to keep me anchored, but enough of the unusual to keep me interested. Spies plunks readerdudes down in early-war Macedonia, a primitive place where a policeman works with undercover supersecret spy types against Benito Mussolini to devise a safe escape route from Germany. Hell, yeah. (See LJ's original review in the May 15, 2010 issue.)-Douglas Lord, "Books for Dudes," BookSmack! 7/1/10 (c) Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

DYING IN BYZANTIUM   IN AUTUMN, THE RAINS CAME TO MACEDONIA.   The storm began in the north--on the fifth day of October in the year 1940--where sullen cloud lay over the mountain villages on the border of Bulgaria and Greece. By midday it had drifted south, heavier now, rolling down the valley of the Vardar River until, at dusk, it reached the heights of the city of Salonika and, by the time the streetlamps came on, rain dripped from the roof tiles in the ancient alleyways of the port and dappled the surface of the flat, dark sea.   Just after six in the evening, Costa Zannis, known to the city as a senior police official--whatever that meant, perhaps no more than a suit instead of a uniform--left his office on the top floor of an anonymous building on the Via Egnatia, walked down five flights of creaky wooden stairs, stepped out into the street, and snapped his umbrella aloft. Earlier that day he'd had a telephone call from the port captain, something to do with the arrival of the Turkish tramp freighter Bakir--"an irregularity" was the phrase the captain used, adding that he preferred to pursue the matter in person. "You understand me, Costa," he'd said. Oh yes, Zannis understood all too well. At that moment, Greece had been ruled by the Metaxas dictatorship since 1936--the length of women's skirts was regulated; it was forbidden to read aloud the funeral oration of Pericles--and people were cautious about what they said on the telephone. And, with much of Europe occupied by Nazi Germany, and Mussolini's armies in Albania, on the Greek frontier, one wasn't sure what came next. So, don't trust the telephone. Or the newspapers. Or the radio. Or tomorrow.   Entering the vast street market on Aristotle Square, Zannis furled his umbrella and worked his way through the narrow aisles. Rain pattered on the tin roofing above the stalls, fishmongers shouted to the crowd, and, as Zannis passed by, the merchants smiled or nodded or avoided his eyes, depending on where they thought they stood with the Salonika police that evening. A skeletal old woman from the countryside, black dress, black head scarf, offered him a dried fig. He smiled politely and declined, but she thrust it toward him, the mock ferocity of her expression meaning that he had no choice. He tore the stem off, flicked it into the gutter, then ate the fig, which was fat and sweet, raised his eyebrows in appreciation, said, "It's very good, thank you," and went on his way. At the far end of the market, a sponge peddler, a huge sack slung over his shoulder, peered anxiously out at the rain. Marooned, he could only wait, for if his sponges got wet he'd have to carry the weight for the rest of the night.   The customshouse stood at the center of the city's two main piers, its function stated on a broad sign above the main entry, first in Greek, then with the word Douane. On the upper floor, the port captain occupied a corner office, the sort of office that had over the years become a home; warm in the chilly weather, the still air scented with wood smoke and cigarettes, one of the port cats asleep by the woodstove. On the wall behind the desk hung a brightly colored oleograph of Archbishop Alexandros, in long black beard and hair flowing to his shoulders, hands clasped piously across his ample stomach. By his side, formal photographs of a stern General Metaxas and a succession of port officials of the past, two of them, in fading sepia prints, wearing the Turkish fez. On the adjoining wall, handsomely framed, were the wife and children of the present occupant, well fed, dressed to the hilt, and looking very dignified.   The present occupant was in no hurry; a brief call on the telephone produced, in a few minutes, a waiter from a nearby kafeneion--coffeehouse--with two tiny cups of Turkish coffee on a brass tray. After a sip, the captain lit a cigarette and said, "I hope I didn't get you down here for nothing, Costa. In such miserable fucking weather."   Zannis didn't mind. "It's always good to see you," he said. "The Bakir, I think you said. Where's she berthed?"   "Number eight, on the left-hand side. Just behind a Dutch grain freighter--a German grain freighter now, I guess."   "For the time being," Zannis said.   They paused briefly to savor the good things the future might hold, then the captain said, "Bakir docked this morning. I waited an hour, the captain never showed up, so I went to find him. Nothing unusual, gangplank down, nobody about, so I went on board and headed for the captain's office, which is pretty much always in the same place, just by the bridge. A few sailors at work, but it was quiet on board, and going down the passageway toward the bridge I passed the wardroom. Two officers, gossiping in Turkish and drinking coffee, and a little man in a suit, with shiny shoes, reading a newspaper. German newspaper. Oh, I thought, a passenger."   "See his face?"   "Actually I didn't. He was behind his newspaper--Völkischer Beobachter? I believe it was. Anyhow, I didn't think much about it. People get around these days any way they can, and they don't go anywhere at all unless they have to."   "Submarines."   The captain nodded. "You may just have to swim. Eventually I found the captain up on the bridge--a man I've known for years, by the way--and we went back to his office so I could have a look at the manifest. But--no passenger. So, I asked. 'Who's the gent in the wardroom?' The captain just looked at me. What a look!"   "Meaning ...?"   "Meaning Don't ask me that. Life's hard enough these days without this sort of nonsense."   Zannis's smile was ironic. "Oh dear," he said.   The captain laughed, relieved. "Don't be concerned, you mean."   From Zannis, a small sigh. "No, but it's me who has to be concerned. On the other hand, as long as he stays where he is ... What's she carrying?"   "In ballast. She's here to load baled tobacco, then headed up to Hamburg."   "You didn't happen to see the passenger come this way, did you?"   "No, he hasn't left the ship."   Zannis raised an eyebrow. "You're sure?"   "I've had a taxi waiting out there all afternoon. If he tries to enter the city, two beeps on the horn."   This time the sigh was deeper, because Zannis's plans for the evening had vanished into the night. "I'll use your telephone," he said. "And then I'll take a little walk."   Zannis walked past the taxi on the pier--the driver awake, to his surprise--then continued until he could see the Bakir. Nothing unusual; a rust-streaked gray hull, a cook tossing a pail of kitchen garbage into the bay. He'd thought about ordering up a pair of detectives, then decided not to get them out in the rain. But now the rain had stopped, leaving in its place a heavy mist that made halos around the streetlamps. Zannis stood there, the city behind him quiet, a foghorn moaning somewhere out in the darkness.   He'd turned forty that summer, not a welcome event but what could you do. He was of average height, with a thick muscular body and only an inch of belly above his belt. Skin a pale olive color, not bad-looking at all though more boxer than movie star, a tough guy, in the way he moved, in the way he held himself. Until you looked at his face, which suggested quite a different sort of person. Wide generous mouth and, behind steel-framed eyeglasses, very blue eyes: lively eyes. He had dry black hair which, despite being combed with water in the morning, was tousled by the time he reached the office and fell down on his forehead and made him look younger, and softer, than he was. All in all, an expressive face, rarely still--when you spoke to him you could always see what he thought about whatever you said, amusement or sympathy or curiosity, but always something. So, maybe a tough guy, but your friend the tough guy. The policeman. And, in his black suit and soft gray shirt, tie knot always pulled down and the collar button of the shirt open, a rather gentle version of the breed. On purpose, of course.   He'd certainly never meant to be a cop. And--once he fell into being a cop--never a detective, and--once promoted to that position--never what he was now. He'd never even known such a job existed. Neither of his parents had been educated beyond the first six years; his grandmother could neither read nor write, his mother doing so only with difficulty. His father had worked his way into half ownership of a florist shop in the good part of Salonika, so the family was never poor; they managed, pretty much like everyone else he knew. Zannis wasn't much of a student, which didn't matter because in time he'd work in the shop. And, until 1912, Salonika had remained a part of the Ottoman Empire--Athens and the western part of the nation having fought free of the Turks in 1832--so to be Greek was to know your place and the sort of ambition that drew attention wasn't such a good idea.   Excerpted from Spies of the Balkans by Alan Furst All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.