- Subjects
- Published
New York :
Children's Press/Scholastic
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Physical Description
- 48 p. : col. ill., col. maps, ports. ; 22 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 44) and index.
- 9780531168950
- 1. The Stars in Our Sky: Are constellations important today?
- 2. The View From Earth: How do we see stars on our planet?
- 3. A History of constellations: Who first discovered the constellations?
- 4. Star Storied: Which constellations can you see from Earth?
- Asterisms: Is the Big Dipper a constellation?
- 5. Constellations Around the world: Who else has made up stories about the stars?
- True Statistics
- Resources
- Important Words
- index
- About the Author