Julian Bream plays Dowland and Bach

Julian Bream

Music - 2008

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Hamburg : Deutsche Grammophon p2008.
Corporate Author
Golden Age Singers
Main Author
Julian Bream (-)
Corporate Author
Golden Age Singers (-)
Other Authors
John Dowland, 1563?-1626 (-), Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750
Item Description
All selections previously released, 1954-1956.
Program notes by Tully Potter with German and French translations inserted.
Physical Description
2 compact discs : digital ; 4 3/4 in
  • CD I. The most sacred queen. Elizabeth, her galliard ; Lachrimae antiquae pavan ; Mrs. White's nothing ; Mrs. Vaux's jig ; Farewell (A fancy) ; Orlando sleepeth ; Fantasia ; The king of Denmark's galliard ; Melancholy galliard ; Lady Hunsdon's puffe ; Semper Dowland, semper dolens ; Almain (an unnamed piece) ; Sir Henry Umpton's funeral ; Forlorn hope fancy ; Ayres for 4 voices. The second booke of songes (1600). If floods of tears ; Sleep, wayward thoughts ; Awake, sweet love ; The first booke of songes (1597). Dear, if you change ; The third booke of songes (1603). O what hath overwrought ; A pilgrim's solace (1612). Shall I strive with words to move? ; The third booke of songs. Flow not so fast, ye fountains ; The first booke of songes. Away with these self-loving lads ; The third booke of songes. Come when I call ; Rest awhile, you cruel cares ; If my complaints could passions move ; The third booke of songes. Burst forth, my tears / John Dowland
  • CD II. The second booke of songes. Humour say what mak'st thou here ; Can she excuse my wrongs ; The first booke of songes. His golden locks ; A pilgrim's solace. Stay, time, awhile thy flying ; The third booke of songes. The lowest trees have tops ; The first booke of songes. Unquiet thoughts ; The second booke of songes. Praise blindness, eyes ; A pilgrim's solace. My heart and tongue were twins / John Dowland ; Partita for violin solo no. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1004. Chaconne ; Prelude in C minor, BWV 999 ; Suite in E minor, BWV 996. Sarabande ; Bourree ; Partita for lute in C minor, BWV 997. Prelude ; Fugue ; Prelude, fugue and allegro in E flat major, BWV 998 / Johann Sebastian Bach.