- Subjects
- Published
[S.l.] :
R & S Records
[1995], p1990.
- Language
- No linguistic content
- Main Author
- Item Description
- "Electronica/IDM/ambient-acid-hardcore techno" songs; principally written by Richard D. James.
Selections previously released on various EP's. - Physical Description
- 1 compact disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in
- Digeridoo
- Flaphead
- Phloam
- Isopropanol
- Polynomial-C
- Tamphex (Hedphuq mix)
- Phlange phace
- Dodeccaheedron
- Analogue bubblebath 1
- Metapharstic
- We have arrived (Aphex Twin QQT mix)
- We have arrived (Aphex Twin TTQ mix)
- Digeridoo (live in Cornwall, 1990).