Review by Booklist Review
An embarrassment of riches is what every stitcher, experienced or not, will face with editor Hemingway's compilation of 22 different techniques, from more decorative counted-thread work to the very practical sewing-oriented insertion-stitching and smocking. It's not simply a list and how-to illustrations for more than 200 stitches; each technique is prefaced with history, fabrics, threads, needles, and uses and then segues into the practice. Plus, each is accompanied by, for the most part, a sampler of stitches with occasional real-life items--like a shisha bag and a Hardanger table mat--to try. Actual project designs are rather pedestrian; flowers and abstract shapes dominate. Still, with the contributions of eight expert needle specialists, it's a good starting point. A list of suppliers is appended. --Barbara Jacobs Copyright 2006 Booklist
From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.