- Subjects
- Published
New York :
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- Physical Description
- 128 pages : color illustrations ; 27 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes index.
- 9780806976358
- Stargazing
- The Constellations
- Andromeda: The Princess
- Antlia: The Air Pump
- Apus: The Bird of Paradise
- Aquarius: The Water Bearer
- Aquila: The Eagle
- Ara: The Altar
- Aries: The Ram
- Auriga: The Charioteer
- Bootes: The Bear Driver or Herdsman
- Caelum: The Sculptor's Chisel
- Camelopardalis: The Giraffe
- Cancer: The Crab
- Canes Venatici: The Hunting Dogs
- Canis Major: The Great Dog
- Canis Minor: The Little or Lesser Dog
- Capricornus: The Sea Goat
- Carina: The Keel
- Cassiopeia: The Queen
- Centaurus: The Centaur
- Cepheus: The King
- Cetus: The Sea Monster, The Whale
- Chamaeleon: The Chameleon
- Circinus: The Compasses
- Columba: The Dove
- Coma Berenices: Berenice's Hair
- Corona Australis: The Southern Crown
- Corona Borealis: The Northern Crown
- Corvus: The Crow, The Raven
- Crater: The Cup
- Crux: The (Southern) Cross
- Cygnus: The Swan
- Delphinus: The Dolphin
- Dorado: The Swordfish
- Draco: The Dragon
- Equuleus: The Little Horse, The Colt, The Foal
- Eridanus: The River, The Celestial River
- Fornax: The (Laboratory) Furnace
- Gemini: The Twins
- Grus: The Crane
- Hercules: The Strongman, The Hero
- Horologium: The Pendulum Clock
- Hydra: The Sea Serpent, The Water Snake
- Hydrus: The Southern or Little Water Snake
- Indus: The American Indian
- Lacerta: The Lizard
- Leo: The Lion
- Leo Minor: The Little Lion, The Lion Cub
- Lepus: The Hare
- Libra: The Scales, The Balance
- Lupus: The Wolf
- Lynx: The Lynx
- Lyra: The Lyre, The Harp
- Mensa: The Table Mountain
- Microscopium: The Microscope
- Monoceros: The Unicorn
- Musca: The Fly
- Norma: The Carpenter's Square
- Octans: The Octant
- Ophiuchus: The Serpent Bearer
- Orion: The Hunter
- Pavo: The Peacock
- Pegasus: The Winged Horse
- Perseus: The Hero
- Phoenix: The Phoenix
- Pictor: The Painter's Easel
- Pisces: The Fish(es)
- Piscis Austrinus: The Southern Fish
- Puppis: The Stern (of Argo Navis)
- Pyxis: The Compass (of Argo Navis)
- Reticulum: The Net
- Sagitta: The Arrow
- Sagittarius: The Archer
- Scorpius: The Scorpion
- Sculptor: The Sculptor's Workshop
- Scutum: The Shield
- Serpens Caput/Cauda: Head/Tail of The Snake
- Sextans: The Sextant
- Taurus: The Bull
- Telescopium
- Triangulum: The Triangle
- Triangulum Australe: The Southern Triangle
- Tucana: The Toucan
- Ursa Major: The Great Bear
- Ursa Minor: The Little Bear
- Vela: The Sail (of Argo Navis)
- Virgo: The Maiden, The Virgin
- Volans: The Flying Fish
- Vulpecula: The Fox
- The Maps
- Northern Latitudes
- January-February
- March-April
- May-June
- July-August
- September-October
- November-December
- Southern Latitudes
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
- Glossary
- Index
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