Preludes: A might fortress is our God ; Am I a soldier of the cross? ; Brethren we have met to worship ; God moves in a mysterious way ; I love thee, I love thee ; More about Jesus ; God so loved the world ; Spirit of God, descend upon my heart ; What a friend ; Standing on the promises ; The church is one foundation ; Trust and obey
Interludes: Holy, holy, holy ; I think when I read that sweet story ; O, gladsome light ; Peace, perfect peace ; Sun of my soul
Prayer time: In the garden medley ; O word of God incarnate ; Solitude ; Sweet hour of prayer
Communion: Beneath the cross of Jesus ; I gave my life for thee ; O sacred head, now wounded ; In the cross of Christ I glory ; Sheep may safely graze ; Olmutz ; The cross medley
Offertory: Amazing grace ; Be thou my vision ; Doxology ; How great thou art ; I need thee every hour ; I would be true ; Jesus! what a friend for sinners ; Like a river glorious ; My Jesus I love thee ; Whiter than snow ; Showers of blessing
Special piano solos (difficult): Blessed assurance ; For the beauty of the earth ; More love to thee medley ; When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound ; Marching to Zion medley (We're marching to Zion, O Zion haste and Onward Christian soldiers) ; The Bible medley (The B-I-B-L-E, Wonderful words of life and Holy Bible book divine) ; Stories of Jesus medley
Contemporary piano solos--Sunday evening, youth rallies. The solid rock ; What a friend we have in Jesus ; They'll know we are Christians by our love ; Work for the night is coming
Postlude: There's a wideness in God's mercy ; Abide with me ; Blest be the tie that binds ; The Lord bless you and keep you
Children's programs: Jesus loves me ; Jewels ; Praise him, praise him, all ye little children
Christmas music: Hark! the herald angels sing ; It came upon a midnight clear ; Joy to the world/Joyful, joyful we adore thee ; O come all ye faithful ; O holy night ; Silent night/The first Noel ; We three kings
Easter music: Christ arose ; There is a green hill far away ; Christ the Lord is risen again ; Were you there?
Father's Day: Faith of our fathers ; This is my Father's world medley ; God of our fathers
Funerals: Ivory palaces ; Nearer my God to thee ; Softly and tenderly
Graduation: Pomp and circumstance ; Lead on, O King Eternal
Missionary conference: From Greenland's icy mountains ; I love to tell the story ; We've a story to tell to the nations
Mother's Day: Children of the Heavenly Father ; Mother, dear mother
Patriotic occasions: Eternal Father, strong to save ; My country, 'tis of thee ; O beautiful for spacious skies ; The Star-spangled banner
Thanksgiving: Come, ye thankful people, come (slow version) ; Come, ye thankful people, come (fast version) ; Count your blessings medley (Count your blessings, Make me a blessing, Come thou fount of every blessing) ; We plow the fields