A Dangerous Place

Jacqueline Winspear

eBook - 2015

Four years after she set sail from England, leaving everything she most loved behind, Maisie Dobbs at last returns, only to find herself in a dangerous place . . . In Jacqueline Winspear's powerful story of political intrigue and personal tragedy, a brutal murder in the British garrison town of Gibraltar leads Maisie into a web of lies, deceit, and peril.Spring 1937. In the four years since she left England, Maisie Dobbs has experienced love, contentment, stability—and the deepest tragedy a woman can endure. Now, all she wants is the peace she believes she might find by returning to India. But her sojourn in the hills of Darjeeling is cut short when her stepmother summons her home to England; her aging father Frankie Dobbs is not get...ting any younger.But on a ship bound for England, Maisie realizes she isn't ready to return. Against the wishes of the captain who warns her, "You will be alone in a most dangerous place," she disembarks in Gibraltar....

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Main Author
Jacqueline Winspear
Online Access
Overdrive Resource Page
Adobe EPUB eBook, Kindle Book, OverDrive Read eBook
Adobe EPUB eBook
File Size646 MB
Release Date3/17/2015
Kindle Book
Release Date3/17/2015
OverDrive Read eBook
Release Date3/17/2015