Ryszard Krynicki
| birth_place = St. Valentin, Austria | death_date = | death_place = | occupation = poet, translator, publisher | nationality = | education = | alma_mater = Adam Mickiewicz University | period = 1964– | genre = poetry, translation | subject = | movement = Polish New Wave | notableworks = | spouse = | awards = | signature = | signature_alt = | website = | portaldisp = | imagesize = | influences = | influenced = }}Ryszard Krynicki (Polish: ; born 28 June 1943) is a Polish poet and translator, member of the Polish "New Wave" Movement. He is regarded as one of the most prominent post-war contemporary Polish poets. In 2015, he was awarded the Zbigniew Herbert International Literary Award as a recognition for his poetry works. Provided by Wikipedia