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David Harris Ebenbach

| birth_place = Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. | death_date = | death_place = | resting_place = | occupation = Writer, poet, professor | education = | alma_mater = University of Wisconsin–Madison;
Vermont College | period = | genre = Poetry; Short Story | subject = | movement = | notableworks = | spouse = | influences = | influenced = | awards = | signature = | signature_alt = | website = | portaldisp = }} David Harris Ebenbach (born April 19, 1972) is a U.S. writer of fiction and poetry, a teacher, and an editor. He is the author of nine books, and he is the recipient of the Drue Heinz Literature Prize, the Juniper Prize and the Patricia Bibby Award.

Ebenbach's first science fiction novel, How to Mars, was published in 2021. Provided by Wikipedia