Bubble Guppies

''Bubble Guppies'' is an animated children's fantasy television series created by Jonny Belt and Robert Scull and developed by Belt, Scull, and Janice Burgess for Nickelodeon. The series is a combination of the sketch comedy, edutainment, and musical genres, and revolves around the underwater adventures of a group of merperson preschoolers named Molly, Gil, Goby, Deema, Oona, Nonny, and Zooli. The program premiered on Nickelodeon on January 24, 2011, and ran for six seasons until June 30, 2023. The series is produced using 3D software.

The series originally ended on October 21, 2016. Almost three years after the last episode of its original run, it was revived for a fifth season on June 4, 2019 with an order of 26 episodes. The fifth season premiered on September 27, 2019. On February 19, 2020, the show was renewed for a sixth and final season, which premiered on October 19, 2021. Provided by Wikipedia

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