Alissa Quart
![Quart at the 2018 Texas Book Festival](
Quart's multimedia story with Maisie Crow, "The Last Clinic" was nominated for a National Magazine Award and a Documentary Emmy in 2014. She was Executive Producer of the film "Jackson" that won an Emmy for Best Documentary, Social Issue. Quart is Executive Director of the Economic Hardship Reporting Project, founded by Barbara Ehrenreich. Quart's articles and reviews have appeared in ''The New York Times, The Guardian'',''The Atlantic'', and many other publications and she has appeared on ''Nightline'', ''20/20'', the ''Today Show'', CNN, CBC, and C-Span. She coined the term ''hyperlink cinema'' in 2005.
Quart has taught at Brown University and Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, and is a 2010 Nieman Fellowship recipient. Provided by Wikipedia